I just thought I might lighten things up today with a short post about an object in my house that has been used again and again. You might be mistaken for thinking this object is an expensive item that is slowly realising its worth, but no. You might think this is an something that most people use everyday and has realised it’s worth many times over, that’s partly accurate. You might think this object is aesthetically pleasing in some way that makes it wearable on a regular basis, but no.
The item I speak of is the trigger pump from a bottle of all purpose cleaner spray that I bought at least six years ago. It is so well designed that it drains every last drop of liquid out of every bottle of cleaner I transfer it to. I only ever buy refill bottles and have been using this same trigger for every bottle for those six years. I love items that are well designed not matter how trivial they are. Good design just makes life more pleasant. This item will never be on the declutter list until it finally dies but by then it will have realised its worth a hundred times over.
Do any of you have an object that you love for it’s great design even though it would seem trivial in other peoples eyes that you would like to share with us. We would love to hear about it, so please leave a comment in it’s honor.
This jacket came free when we bought our son a motorbike but it doesn’t fit. We finally got around to selling it on ebay for $20.
I have a trash can with a lid that raises automatically. We put rechargeable batteries in it and only change them once or twice a year. I love it that it opens when my hands are full and gunky; I love it because it keeps all odors in; I love it because I reused dog food bags, garden soil sacks, and guinea pig bedding bags in it more often than I use regular trash bags; I love it that every now and again it opens on its own for no apparent reason, which makes me laugh. We call it Captain Can because it always salutes us, although at Halloween, a friend put paper eyes and fangs on it and for a while we called it Carnivorous Can instead. (It even entertains our friends!) A trash can: that’s my humble object that I love.
Hi Cindy,
I enjoyed your story of Captain Can. We have a Sinple Human trach can that has a foot operated lid but it close slowing and softly unlike most other brands. When visitors first use it when at our home they find it a bit of a novellty and usually open and close it a few time just for fun. So I can really relate to Captain Can. Thanks for sharing.
I wish Cindy were my neighbor so I could witness Captain Can… that post made me laugh~~ thanks!
I’d have to say my humble object of love is my orange Home Depot “Homer” bucket… it goes from yardwork to carwashing to tool tote to garbage can for my stained glass studio to rain bucket to dog washer… who can miss it when it’s bright orange? Thank you ladies for a great post.
Hi Kelly,
isn’t it wonderful to have such a versitile item that can be used for so many jobs around your home. I know I have a bunch of other items I could talk about but I will save them for another day. I hope you have many more years of use out of “Homer”. Thanks for sharing.
I have a homer bucket and it gets used quite a lot. Because I really don’t need new things, my husband asks what I want a gift and I usually tell him, “The world’s best….something”. I’m tired of things breaking or not working, so now I look for the world’s best garlic press or knife sharpener, both of which get used all the time around Willow’s Cottage.
Hi Willow,
quality beats quantity any day. I think sometimes when you need something of the best quality the people’s opinion to seek are the experts that use them. They generally tend to know the best brands and most effective design. Also shop at specialty store that hire staff who are knowledgeable in what they are selling.
Probably my toothbrush. My running shoes come a close second. Could never do without those! 🙂
Hi Tony,
can I assume your toothbrush is one of those electric numbers?
There is nothing like a great pair of shoes that do the job they are meant for well> I have two pair of Keen walking shoes that weigh just about nothing on my feet yet are comfortable and well cushioned. I take one pair on vacation with me and no other shoes and I never get sore feet. I love them.
my items are clothes. I have a grey American Apparel hoody that’s still as good and fashionable as the day I bought it, a pair of leather Alfani loafers (sorry cows) that I bought on clearance two years ago and I am still using them, though they are nearing the end, and a pair of grey/brown skinny jeans that I have worn again and again and again. I love wearing in durable clothes. I grow a sort of sentimental attachment to items I have had and used many times over the years.
Hi Albert,
Oh yeh! I can really relate to this. I have 3 pair of Calvin Klein jeans that I bought for work in 2003 and am still wearing them to this day I don’t think they have too much wear left in them now though. I also have a 3/4 length leather jacket I bought in 2000 it is getting a little shabby around the cuffs but I love it so it will have to get a lot more shabby before I declutter it. Of course I have a little black dress that I can dress up or down depending on the occasion. Just recently I had a ten year old pair of long leather boots rehealed for $20 hopefully I will be able to use them for another 10 years now.