On Fridays at 365 Less Things I share with you my favourite comments from my wonderful readers and my favourite web finds of the week. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I did.
Favourite Comments. Enjoy!
Andréia’s comment
Cat’sMeow’s comment
Jane comment
Calico ginger comment-
Moni comment
Favourite Web Finds. Happy reading!
News.com -Â Downsizing your life sell everything and move on
Found via Becoming Minimalist ~ Mark’s Daily Apple -Â How simplifying your life can help you refocus on whats important
Raptitude -Â How to make hard things easy
Cindy sent this link through~ Small Notebook – Resisting the desire to acquire
Jo H. found the link Cindy referred to last week and her it is ~ Small Notebook-Â Loosen the grip of more stuff
Today’s Mini Mission
Declutter a piece of excess furniture such as bedside cabinet or a dressing table in a spare room. Guests don’t bring that much stuff that they require whole pieces of furniture to store it in. It is just something else you have to dust and vacuum around.
Eco Tip For The Day
 Investigate if things can be repaired before throwing them away.
It matters not how fast I go, I hurry faster when I’m slow
Oooo Colleen! Some really good stuff here. Thanks.
Great stuff! Thanks for the links.
My mother would die of shock if she knew I had a Friday Favourite comment advocating scratch cooking and kitchen management! She’s always been a bit baffled that she could raise a child who turned out with such poor kitchen skills. Just goes to show!
Cindy – I have had an e-mail from my library saying that the book is there waiting for me, I’m looking forward to it. After all that talk of Tex-Mex food – tacos are on the menu for next week!
Some thought provoking links today – I enjoyed Raptitude’s, as adults we often exercise our right of refusal to avoid things that are too hard, whereas we don’t allow our children that luxury. I knew an elderly lady when I was growing up, she was very old but wise, and she’d often say “a body can get used to anything” if I complained something was too much effort.
That elderly lady was very wise. A body can also get far to used to being still and seize up so best to keep on moving. It doesn’t have to be harsh movement just varied. I don’t jog, I have no desire for hip or knee replacement but I do swim and walk for exercise and enjoyment. My husband often has sore arms the day after swimming in the surf, I don’t and I imagine that is because I do housework often. Which just goes to prove that housework isn’t just a chore it is valuable exercise.
Colleen – this lady was a Mori Ori (a now extinct race) from the Chatham Islands and in her life time she saw Halley’s Comet twice. She had lots of little sayings that come to me every now and then.
Housework – I read this, this morning:
You will have to share a little more of her wisdom with is sometime Moni.
I checked out that link and or course couldn’t agree more that housework is great exercise but some of the links from that article don’t please me at all. So I will take it on face value and not follow any more of the links.
Just like the saying goes, ” a body in motion stays in motion and a body at rest stays at rest.” Better to keep moving and use what has been given to us as long as we can.
I enjoyed the comments as usual and the links particularly from this post, Colleen. They all resonated with me. When we reduce our stuff, then what is important in life become clearer and our focus will follow. I loved how it was put over at The Small Notebook, “I like my stuff, but I am so over it!”. Nothing wrong with having nice things, but there has to be a limit or they will control your life.
I enjoyed browsing through The Small Notebook – hadn’t seen that blog before.
I finally threw away a pair of pants that have been problematic for years. They were more stylish than my usual pants, so I bought them with high hopes. But I accidentally hemmed them unevenly, never felt like fixing it, and they were never as much fun to wear as I hoped. Now they don’t fit and finally out they go!
A few weeks ago, I mentioned that I wanted to find a better storage system for my husband’s wallet, belt, and work ID lanyard. My husband didn’t like the idea of a hook so we settled on repurposing a small basket. Feels good to solve the little nagging issues. Next I have to get better about putting things into the car immediately rather than letting them sit on the living room floor while they wait to go out.
I Rebecca J, my husband used to use a little basket for his wallet, keys etc too. Now the buffet is by the from door and the felt lined top drawer is a great place to put his stuff. There is also an empty shelf for my handbag. Perfect.
Thank you for mentioning my comment! I found the links great and read them all. I especially liked The small notebook link, because it reminded me that my plan was not to have a house overflowing with stuff. And just this week a friend told me that I have to have a low maintenance house, because I lead a very busy life. I did tell Moni that my dream was to have a house I could clean in an hour, tops. One can only hope and work for it. 😀
It would have to be a very small house in order to be able to clean it properly in an hour. Nothing wrong with big dreams though my friend. Your friend however is right, you do lead a busy life and need a home that is easy to clean.