Who would like to get together in  for a chat and a cuppa with me
I have chosen a tentative date for our Newcastle get together of
Wednesday 17th October 2012
 From 10am to whenever
As yet I have not chosen the venue but I will be sure to make it within easy reach of public transport in case that is the option for some people.
Sydney readers are also welcome. The train to Newcastle from most Sydney suburbs only costs about $11.40 return off peak (after 9am) return or $16.40 return, peak times.
Anyone wishing to attend please leave a comment below.Â
Well, I can’t come but I sure wish I could. If I had the money I would fly in just for the fun of it. Hope you have a great turnout.
It’s a bit far for me (Canada), but I hope you all have a fun time!
Count me in!
I am counting on you Wendy F. Where do you think I should hold the get-together. I was thinking in the city somewhere, perhaps Coffee on Crown or even the Sourdough Bakery. If you have any suggestions I am open to them.
We have too many choices Colleen! Have you tried Wickham Motorcylce Co? Coffee on Crown sounds good! Do you realize some of the coffee shops in Newcastle are furnished with second hand or recycled furniture? Cheers
Oh now that you mention secondhand furniture we should go to Rolador café right beside the hamilton train station. parking isn’t great but the coffee sure is. Whats a little walk going to do anyone any harm. Then if we feel like lunch there are no end of choices right nearby.
Unfortunately I am unavailable on that date.
Hopefully I can make it another time to a Newcastle meet-up.
I am based in Western Sydney, so if you organise a Sydney meet I would also be keen
Hi Mark and welcome to 365 Less Things. What a shame you can’t make it I am sure it would be a pleasure to meet you. I do plan on having another Sydney meet-up sometime in the future.
Thank you for your welcome.
I am really enjoying your writings.
I look forward to meeting you and other like minded readers from your site.
Thanks Mark it’s a date.
colleen, I really hope that the next time you are in europe you consider something similar, and find the time to contact one of us europeans here in order to meet up somewhere. I would try to find a way to come for sure! until then, I work on the money for the trip to australia… have fun on your meeting!
I’d love to meet up, too! 🙂
Hi Lena, the next trip will be to Britain next Aug/Sept. One day we will be doing an extended Europe trip perhaps 6 months basing ourselves’ possibly in Berlin. Mind you an overseas posting in the meantime would be good too. Fingers crossed for that.
well sounds like an announcement. great, I will be looking forward to meet you some time in the future. and all the other european people here too!
Well, I have already asked you over for a cup of coffee. You can drop by anytime. 😀
Sorry that I am no where close to you, but if you are ever back in the States, I live near in Arlington, VA across the river from Washington, DC and if you come here, I’ll be glad to help you find a venue. We’d love to have you join us Mid-Atlantic-ers for a cuppa!