It has concerned me for a while that my posting here at 365 Less Things has been very sporadic, and that even has begun to occur with the Monday Mini Mission posts. I put this down to a couple of things. One is personal commitments that seem to take up so much of my time of late. And the other is that my interest in writing about decluttering has waned with my lack of a decluttering goal. This goal concept has always been a thing here at 365 Less Things but I didn't realise how much of an encouragement it was for me until recently. With the lack of an actual goal to work towards when it … [Read more...]
Dithering? ~ By Peggy W
I have dithered many times in my decluttering journey, unable to make a decision about my stuff. Two of the “ditherees†left my house this morning because I needed soft fillers to keep the glass bowls I was donating from clashing with each other. One item was a top I bought that always looked better on my younger daughter than it did on me. When she left home, she also left the top. I thought this morning that I’m never going to wear that again and it’s not my other daughters’ style, so out it went. The other item was a pair of nice warm slippers. They didn’t have an … [Read more...]
Clutter, why?
Clutter isn't about what we have, it is about why we have it. We acquire stuff for many reasons, aesthetics, functionality, sentimental, recreation and entertainment and even societal, just to name a few. In fact those few reasons just about account for most of the excess stuff in our lives. So lets just take a closer look at them. Aesthetics ~ The stuff we enjoy mostly because it is pleasing to the eye such as art and décor items, fashion accessories, jewellery. Functionality ~ These are items we acquire that are useful to us in some way, generally to make our lives simpler or … [Read more...]
Procrastination is worse than just getting on with it.
Wendy B wrote this very wise statement in a comment recently in regards to decluttering ~ "The thought of tackling the job is often more consuming than doing the job itself." How very true this is. I bet there are many of you out there who spent more time and metal energy putting off your decluttering than the time and effort that you actually needed to put into it once you got started. I was a little guilty of that myself to be honest. I knew, before returning home to live in Australia in 2007, that downsizing was our ultimate goal, but aside from the necessary ejection of stuff … [Read more...]
Calling all elementary (primary) school teachers
I received an email from an elementary school teacher, Rose Ann, a while back who needs help with keeping stuff under control in the classroom. Or maybe she even collects the stuff and keeps it around the house for when she needs it in class. She really didn't elaborate on that. But I digress. As I have little experience in classrooms these days I would like any elementary/primary school teachers, who might be reading, to share their experience on how they keep their school supplies under control. Here is her email. "Teachers save way too many things all the time. Do you have … [Read more...]
Holiday Declutter by Deb J
Each of us has a different day when we clean up all the decorations from the holidays. One thing we all do though is repack and stash away everything. This is a great time to declutter. We have a great opportunity to look at each item and decide: Did we use it this time? Does it need repair or a toss into the trash? Do we like it? Do we want to change our style/color? Has our life changed in a way that requires our decorating to change? Now is the time to declutter all of those holiday items you no longer need taking up space in your home. Things like decorations, … [Read more...]
Change of season
Well it's that time again, another change of season. Although Spring has sprung in the south and Autumn changing the colours in the North it is only this week the I have really started to delve into my more summery clothes. So I am going to assume these changes are happening for most of us to one degree or another. So now is the time to reassess clothing from both seasons. Declutter clothes that were ignore during the season just gone or you persevered with as the season was ending but are too shabby to keep for next year. And as you bring forward those clothes for the upcoming or current … [Read more...]
A yard sale with a difference
In response to a comment on Monday I mentioned the idea that if there is a lack of ways to donate your stuff in the area where you live then why not have a free garage sale. Yes you read that correctly, a garage sale to give your unwanted stuff away. Or a yard sale if you like. It would be easier than a normal garage sale, because you wouldn't need to agonise over or make the effort to price everything. Just stick all your unwanted stuff out in the garage or lawn and allow those who come along to take what they please. The lawn sale seems like the safer approach because with a garage sale … [Read more...]
You know how the saying goes ~ "Tomorrow never comes." Well someday is usually even further away than tomorrow. So keeping stuff simply because you might need it someday is a fools game if you are attempting to declutter. Especially if they are items that, in reality, you could easily manage without. For example, silly little single use kitchen gadgets that do the same thing as a knife. That mass of household stationery supplies that could supply a large office for a year. That thing-a-ma-jig to fix that thing that you don't even own anymore. Just to name a few. Then there are items you … [Read more...]
Disposing of this weeks mission yields
In a post a couple of weeks ago that asked a range of question about your clutter issues and my blog. One of the readers asked for more information on how to get rid of the clutter that has been set aside for removal. I do have a list of ideas on a page here at 365 called Recycling/Donating Guide that you can find here. However it is an unfinished page and may not yield the information you are looking for and also may not be relevant to your location. It is worth taking a look at none the less during those times when you have hit a brick wall. As I just mentioned, access to ways to sell, … [Read more...]