Reclutter the garden with consumables
A friend of mine lets call her Liz was so excited about her recent efforts to “reclutter” her garden that she insisted that I blog about it. She didn’t actually remove anything but replaced some of her “pretty plants” with things more of the edible variety.
Her garden consists entirely of pots which tend to require more watering than garden beds. She had a line of pots planted with tall ornamental grass but they were real water guzzlers so she replaced the grass with herbs and salad greens.
She said although she enjoyed watching the grass when it swayed in the coastal breezes she is now so proud of herself when she cooks up a dish with the herbs and greens from her own garden that she has no regrets. It is so satisfying to eat something you have grown yourself and even more exciting when you realise how much money you can save for such little effort.
I feel sure that when I send her the link to this page she will be so pleased that I wrote about her she will invite me over for a delicious lunch prepare from some of her produce. (Take a hint Liz)
Sometimes decluttering can be about replacing one thing with a more useful and satisfying item rather then getting rid of something altogether and this story is a perfect example of that.
An old pair of motorbike boots that had seen better days. One for the trash I am afraid.
Meg says
I really wanted to do this, too, but there’s a rabbit in the neighborhood who is faster than I am. Nonetheless, my garden recluttering element takes place with perennials. Each year I try to replace more of the lawn with divisions from successful perennials–hostas, coralbells, daylilies, sedum, Russian sage, drought-resistant ornamental grasses and groundcovers. The one rule is to never buy anything.
Colleen says
Hi Meg,
I am the same when it comes to gardening the more I can acquire for nothing the more I appreciate the results. All plants in my garden have to be tolerant of neglect becasue I am a lazy gardener and they won’t survive if they aren’t. One of the advantages of living in a townhouse surrounded buy concrete and fences is that the cute little critters can’t get to my garden, although the grass hoppers had a field day this year.