Key #3 – Get the entire household on board
I know it isn’t always easy to accomplish this one because, lets face it, you have no control over it what so ever. If you can’t verbally convince the other members of your household to comply maybe you can entice them with your success. Once they see how much more organised your spaces are and how happy it makes you, they may be more inclined to join in. When you tell them about your eBay successes and how your bank account is growing because of your retail restraint they may be convinced.
Item 359 of 365 less things
Yet another item hiding away in the back of my closet unused.
5 Reflections of gratefulness for decluttering this year
- The valuable lessons I have learned during my 365lessthings challenge.
- How great my home is looking.
- The wonderful friends I have found through 365 less things.
- The good feeling I get from helping others with their decluttering.
- The feeling of freedom – both from my clutter and the desire to have things.
It matters not how fast I go, I hurry faster when I’m slow.
Merry Christmas to all my clutterbuddies!
Thanks Jessiejack and the same to you.
Merry Christmas, Colleen 🙂
Thanks Meg,
same to you.
Merry Christmas to all, and thank you, Colleen, for this space to share and learn.
Hi Jo,
same to you and it is entirely my pleasure. I’ll be back to the keyboard properly after the 29th.
Happy Christmas to you and your family Colleen
Thanks Cathryn,
and the same to you and yours.
The good thing is that decluttering seems to be catching.
When I returned to work from maternity leave two months ago, my husband took a year off work of “paternity” leave. I didn’t expect this to have a beneficial effect on the tidyness level in our home, and for the most part it hasn’t, however, there has been spots of spontaneous decluttering.
This includes, much to my joy, a pile of jumpers and t-shirts in the top section of the wardrobe. I used to hate having to put away his clothes. He has so many t-shirts that we just don’t have space for and as a result we were left with this section in the middle of the wardrobe top what we just threw things on and hoped that they didn’t fall down. One day I came home, opened the wardrobe and the whole section had been cleared. Can’t tell you how happy it made me.
Hi Isabella,
I am glad for you. Plant some more seeds of decluttering thoughts in his head and hope for the best.