I really am a slack blogger these day. Once again I have been missing missions posts. My only excuse is that I have had visitors. Sorry folks. Today I will give you a Mission to make up for the last three days. One mission, three items.
Identify an area of your home that could use decluttering and reorganisating and find at least three items to declutter.
And now a little side story. Yesterday I took my visitors to a cute little town nearby which has nice antique shops and handmade stores. Although I am not much of a shopper usually I do however enjoy looking at antiques and handmade items. I came home with a second hand book which I will used and then declutter, some candy, which will miraculously disappear 😜, a succulent to add to my balcony garden (no pot required) and also share with a friend and a small secondhand gift for a loved one. So I have helped the economy of that little town in and environmentally friendly way without causing any long term or mass of clutter.
Even bloggers need a life 🙂
Getting out and about helps with inspiration.
Enjoy your visitors.
I agree with Wendy F
Enjoy your company.
I cleaned up a bathroom drawer and got rid of a tube of lotion that I hate the smell of. Even tried using it on my legs where I thought incorrectly it would be less offensive to my nose.
Sure I will find 2 more items as I clean the rest of drawers.
I went to rearrange fridge to make room for the turkey. In the process I discovered an almost a full box of baking soda had spilled, turning this into a much bigger project than I had planned on. After vacuuming, wiping down, and rearranging I have a very clean fridge. In the process I checked the expiration dates and got rid of several items.
In the bathroom drawers I trashed a pair of ear plugs that haven’t been used for 10 years. Also a multi chain necklace that I have never worn will be donated.
Colleen, your day out with friends sounded so fun. And sometimes, even us declutterers need a little treat for ourselves! Glad you got over your sick spell and are back out!!
Tonight I have been working on our main clothes closet. I trashed 10 articles of clothing that were too bad for reuse, cut up 1 old tee for kitchen rags, and gathered 10 items for donation.
I am likely going to trash the pants and shirt I have on as soon as I remove them tonight. I am currently in a “USE IT UP†of my old, hideous everyday clothes. I have been allowing them to linger for years, always thinking I will just wear them ONE more time. Then, I forget to trash them, and when I’ve washed them again, I’m once again thinking ONE more time, and so the cycle goes. I am truly just about out of clothes except for a lot of old things and want to be VERY Slective when I purchase something new. I’m looking for that capsule wardrobe!!!!!
Hi Colleen, I’m glad, too, that you seem to be feeling better 🙂
I can’t think of anything that I have decluttered other than dates/visits on my calendar…
Last Thursday a visit with my best friend (I see her about once a month)
Last Saturday a visit with my good friend from massage school whom I haven’t seen for years (she lived across the country for 5 yrs, just moved within 2.5 hrs)
Today a coffee date with another friend I don’t see often
Today a lunch date with a former coworker I haven’t seen for 20 years! We weren’t actually friends back then but I think we might be now! We spent 3 hours chatting 🙂
I am amazed that I didn’t forget to do any of these things… I definitely wanted to visit with all these people but my memory is capricious… I remembered all the dates, yippee! 🙂