Mini Mission Monday is about finding ten minutes a day to declutter. To make it easy for you, each Monday I set seven declutter missions, one for each day of the week for you to follow. It takes the guess work out of decluttering and makes it easy and “fun” for you to achieve some quick decluttering.
Why work harder than you have to for the sake of keep items you don’t need. This week’s mission are designed to have you getting rid of items that you may or may not realise are adding to your work load. Perhaps doing these mission will help you identify other areas of clutter causing your workload to be heavier that it need be.
Monday – Declutter some things that collect dust.
Tuesday – Declutter excess items in a cupboard that make it had to get at what you need.
Wednesday – Declutter items from counter tops that require moving in order to clean the space properly. This may require decluttering some less useful items in cupboards to make room for a little reshuffling.
Thursday – Declutter some things piled on floor making it difficult to vacuum or sweep easily and efficiently.
Friday – Declutter your handbag so it is easy to find what you need in there when you need it.
Saturday – Declutter excess clothes in your closet so it is easy to organise what you do use.
Sunday - Sunday is reserved for contemplating one particular item, of your choice that is proving difficult for you to declutter. Whether that be for sentimental reasons, practical reasons, because the task is laborious or simply unpleasant, or because the items removal requires the cooperation of another person. That last category may mean that the item belongs to someone else who has to give their approval, it could also mean there is a joint decision to be made or it could mean that the task of removing it requires assistance from someone else. There is no need to act on this contemplation immediately, it is more about formulating a plan to act upon or simply making a decision one way or another.
These are good Colleen. It’s funny how you would put these out just as I am going through a few things to do exactly what you have listed. My one big dust issue is all my scrapbook albums. I have 20 of them. It is hard to not have dust on them. I’m thinking of boxing them up so they don’t get so dusty. I’m pretty much the only one who goes through them. Or maybe I will put them in some type of bag. I gotta do something. My cupboard problem isn’t the need to remove thing but the need to be able to reach them. I can’t use my upper shelf because I can’t reach anything on it without a two step ladder and the middle shelf I can reach things if they are right on the edge. Being short is a pain. So I am working on rearranging things AGAIN. My counter tops are pretty clear. I don’t like clutter on them. I don’t pile things on the floor and my handbag is small, just the essentials–wallet, sunglasses, tissues and keys. My phone goes in my pocket. Have gone through my clothes again and have a pile to give to our homeless ministry. I have always had a problem with clothes because of my shortness. When I buy slacks I buy what they call “petite short’ and we still have to cut off 4 inches and re-hem them. I just discovered that if I buy capris they fit me like regular slacks. So I am gradually replacing things. Yay!!
Deb J – as I was reading your comment I was calling out “look for capri length and 7/8 length trousers and jeans”.
Yes being short is a big pain. I have a foot stool in the laundry so I can reach the dryer, I have a foot stool in the pantry so I can reach the top shelf (the tall people in my life, mock me) and I have a step ladder in my hall cupboard which is kinda central in the house.
RE: Scrapbooks – I continue to be grateful that I didn’t get caught up in that. It was hard, it lured me with all the pretties but I knew I’d be at Scrapbookers Anonymous pretty quickly.
I see that there are services to digitise scrapbooks, but I imagine the cost of 20 albums would be pretty costly.
OK – to keep dust out, are they standing on a shelf or lying on their side?
I have some ideas!
Moni, they are standing on a shelf. I don’t have much in the way of storage space so it is about the only place to put them.
Deb J – can you put down a piece of card or something firm for them to sit on and then put a magazine holder over the top of them?
Moni, I can try that with some of them but 3 of them are huge. Since they are out where they can be seen, I want them to look nice how ever I end up fixing them. Thanks for the suggestion.
Just last night I was watching The Minimalists on Netflix and while its a long way to go, just to be aware.. is a start.