Last weekend we bought a new printer/copier/scanner/fax because the old one was returned to HP for a refund due to that fact that it was a lemon. But don’t get me started on that story! The minute my husband had it up and running he began scanning documents into the computer so he could throw away the old paperwork. You see, this new machine has a document feeder where as the old one (among other issues) had to have each item loaded manually one at a time. That one inconvenience caused a big hinderance to this process causing the task to come to a standstill.
For some months now I have been trying to produce an eBook about decluttering your kitchen. I am probably about three quarters of the way through. I have to use the big computer upstairs to write this eBook because my MacBook Pro doesn’t have Windows Word program due to the fact that our version only allows us to run three subscriptions and mine is the forth Apple in line. It is colder up stairs in the Winter and hotter in the summer and just inconvenient running that computer when I have a perfectly good one in my lap for most of the day. Hense it deters me from finishing this project. Small inconvenience yes but a road block for me nevertheless.
When it comes to decluttering, my small inconvenience is usually selling stuff. Sometimes it is just a lot of bother finding the right selling method. I usually get there in the end because I am determined to make some money back on the item or I am inspired by previous successes. Nevertheless there are still items taking up space in my home simply because I want to sell them and haven’t found the right method.
What is the inconvenience holding you back when it comes to decluttering. Is it really so insurmountable that you deprived yourself of the joys of living with less. Stop and think about this for a minute. Maybe you aren’t even sure what is holding you back. As an experiment why not spend one week ignoring that inconvenience and move forward anyway. Step out of your comfort zone just for one week and see what progress you make. Perhaps you will realise that the results are worth the effort or perhaps you will figure out what is holding you back and find a way to remove that hinderance. Keep analysing the situation as the week progresses and see if you can come up with some solutions.
Maybe you just haven’t figured out you best methods of disposal. Maybe you have trouble letting go. Maybe you don’t know where to begin. Maybe the solution is to begin with the easiest things, things that can go in the trash, items you have not personal attachment to, items that obviously need to go and you are happy to let go. Find your stickling point and push your way passed it, sometimes it is just the fear of the unknown. Once you conquer that fear there will be no holding you back.
Good luck and happy decluttering. And don’t forget, if you do work out what your road block is and you need advice on how to get around it, please leave a comment. If I don’t have the answer maybe the 365lessthings collective voice might. There is a lot of experience and knowledge to be shared between us all.
Today’s Declutter Item
This is another necklace among my craft items that I have chosen to liberate to the thrift store. I am comfortable with the idea that I will probably never deconstruct it and use the beads to make something else.
Something I Am Grateful For Today
The house is clean and tidy and the guest room is ready for visitors on the weekend. When I say ready I mean even the mattress has been vacuumed. It is good to be so decluttered and organised that there is time enough to leave no stone unturned when it comes to presenting a fresh, clean and comfortable place for my guests to lay their weary  heads.
It matters not how fast I go, I hurry faster when I’m slow
Juhli says
Great post! What was holding me back on decluttering was thinking that I had to try to sell the items I was letting go. I took them all to Goodwill this morning instead and I feel such a sense of freedom. Sometimes it is what I think I should do that holds me back. I’m working on that.
Colleen says
Hi Juhli,
trying to sell stuff is sometimes a whole lot more trouble than it is really worth. I have found that many times and I am on the verge of finally getting rid of some stuff of my son’s that I have been agonising over selling for some time. Sometimes you have to ask yourself ~ What is my time worth ~ and then decide if the effort is worth the result. I am glad you are finally free of those things.
Donna says
Juhli – The urge to make money of my stuff or as you put it – “what I think I should do” – has held me back on more than one occasion as well. The biggest obstacle was outgrown clothes for my almost-3-year-old daughter. I had a huge tub (the biggest size they make) stuffed full. I kept telling myself I should have a yard sale (as I’d done in the past), or sell it in batches on craigslist or ebay, and make some money. Finally I convinced myself to let go of the guilt and the desire for cash and just bag it all up and take it to the thrift store. Oh, what a happy day it was when I unloaded those bags and drove away!
Colleen says
Hi Donna,
it seems you are not alone in this hinderance. Many of us suffer from the same set back. I think I am just about at a place where I am satisfied to donate rather than sell. As you say, the joy of getting it out of the house is worth the loss. I think sometimes that guilt is the overriding factor for wanting to earn some money back especially if there was a large element of frivolity in the initial purchase.
Donna says
Colleen – The greater portion of the baby/toddler clothes came by way of gifts – I have a HUGE family that was very excited about the birth of my daughter and thus extremely generous with stuff. So there wasn’t a lot of cash outlay on my part for all of it. However, because there will, for years to come, be the need for bigger shoes/shirts/pants/etc. I felt the need to get some kind of monetary return out of all the stuff I let go to extend the value of all those gifts. My guilt was in “just getting rid of” all that generosity that came our way and not getting the full value out it. Since that initial tidal wave of stuff I’m learning how to be very specific about what she does or does not need so I don’t end up in that boat again.
Colleen says
Hi Donna,
I can understand how you feel about this. Little ones certainly don’t get good use out of clothes if there are too many of them. And those who grow fast get even less. I remember when my children were little I sold many of their clothes at garage sales and flea-market stalls. Baby stuff was always popular. You are doing the right thing by trying to stay in control of what other people give your daughter by being specific about what she needs. There are certainly plenty of other things little ones need aside from clothes if someone wants to give.
Carol Henshaw says
I thought that scanning in paperwork would enable me to get rid of the originals but don’t do it for receipts – when I had to claim for lost things from a trip when we got stranded in floods and had to be airlifted without our bags they would only accept original receipts not the scanned ones. Great for other stuff though!
Colleen says
Hi Carol Henshaw,
thank you for that tip. I do keep my original receipts and someone gave me a tip just recently about those too. These days many receipts fade very quickly but I was told that if you put them in the freezer for a while as soon as you get them home the print sets better and they last longer. I would suggest scanning the receipt and well as keeping the original just in case.
Wendy says
The other option to stop receipts from fading is to photocopy them and do don’t store receipts next to plastic as this also fades them.
Colleen says
Hi Wendy,
welcome to 365 Less Things and thank you for that tip. The more people that join in the conversation the more we learn from it so thank you for adding your thoughts.
Shirls says
I had the exact same problem with my HP scanner. Unfortunately by time I got round to using it, it was out of guarantee.
I have two hindrances to decluttering right now. One is the fit my husband will have when he sees the bags and bags of clothes (mine, not his) that I am outing. The other is about ten years worth of bank credit card statements that I’m afraid to fling in the recycle bin in case of identity theft. I’ll just have to bite the bullet and get a shredder I suppose.
Sharron says
I soak all my documents in a big bucket in the garage, it goes to paper mash and nothing can be read from them, i then dig it into the soil in the garden. A shreder would be to much clutter lol 🙂
Sharron x
Colleen says
Great suggestion Sharron.
Wendy says
You can also turn paper mash into fire bricks, you do need a press to do this effectively. Using a small container (2L) would also work. This is best done in summer as they do take a while to dry out.
My husband made paper bricks this summer and we supplemented them with wood logs. He made about 200 and they lasted about two months.
Colleen says
Hi Wendy,
that is a good way to recycle your paper. My household don’t get much paper because we don’t buy newspapers anymore. With all the information and then some available on line these days we don’t see the need. There are plenty of people out there that do and this would be a great way to do your own recycling. You husband must have been busy making all those 200 bricks, what a champion.
Katharine says
We bought a decent shredder last year Shirls and haven’t regretted it. We have gradually worked through stack of stuff and now keep up to date as stuff comes in and is either shreded, filed or put whole in recycling.
Michelle says
Burn them! That’s what my in-laws do. They don’t trust the shredder. So have a little fire pit in the garden.
Colleen says
Hi Michelle,
and on that fiery note I must say welcome to 365 Less Things and thank you for stopping by to leave a comment. It would come in handy to have an open fire place in ones house then we could use these documents as kindling.
Colleen says
Hi Shirls,
think of a way to get your husband out of the house for a while and then duck off and donate the clothes while he isn’t there. Maybe even do this in batches so he won’t notice the changes to your wardrobe. My other suggestion is to do it right there where he can see you and let him make a fuss. Perhaps that unpleasant experience will cement the idea in your head to be more mindful about your clothes shopping in future.
As for the credit card statements ~ I would buy that shredder. No household should be without one these days. I often just tear of the information that you don’t want anyone to see and shred that and just put the rest of the document in the recycling. Bagging up shredded paper can be a pain so I minimise what goes in there. If you have a shredder at home you won’t have these document pile up for years on end. You can always call one of those companies that offer shredding service but I think they are intended for businesses that have lots to shred. Can’t hurt to check though.
snosie says
Another thing I’m endlessly thankful for – the workplace shredder! And someone uses the shreddings to wrap BEAUTIFUL candles, which occassionally get given to us shredders (the damaged, unsellable ones, but they are still wonderful beewax quality!)
Colleen says
How lovely. There is nothing like a nice reward for your efforts occasionally.
Annabelle says
Oh those companies that offer shredding services, that is a grand idea. We used one for a bunch of old documents. I had a box full and took it to the shredder company and I watched them shred it and then they had this piece of paper that we both signed (that showed a general ‘inventory’ of what was in box, ex. tax records older than 19XX). It did cost me about $25.00 (USD), but it was worth it. Even if I had a shredder for that price, the poor thing might have gone into overdrive having me put all that paper through it. I didn’t even have to remove any staples. It is a service I will use again (although we’ve really decluttered our paper files as much as feasible, so it will probably be awhile). Now I’ve got to get on the job of scanning stuff…yug.. (I’m gonna look for a place to outsource that too, it’s worth it to me to pay for it…).
Colleen says
Hi Annabelle,
I have never used one of those companies because we have had a shredder for years and just stay on top. If anyone had a lot of papers to shred it would take the hard work out of it that for sure. Scanning stuff just got a whole lot easier in our house because we just got an all in one with a document feeder. Love it. And hopefully it won’t chew through the ink like the hp one did.
The Other Lynn says
Around here they do shred-a-thons every once in a while. A company will set up their truck and shred for free or a couple of bucks your boxes of items. We pooled our boxes together for one lady to drive the 30 minutes to shred for us. It was fantastic!
Colleen says
Hi The Other Lynn,
I like this idea and what a great idea to pool your stuff together and save on transport. Well done!
Calicoginger says
Hi Shirls, I used to rip my private paper work up and add it to the compost bin and let the worms take care of it, but now I’m in an apartment I have no compost bin. I just invested in a $20.00 shredder from OfficeWorks – it only does 5 pages at a time, but it’s great for me. I resisted for a while, but identity theft is too big a problem to take any risks with, so the shredder is definitely NOT clutter!
Sharron says
Hmmm, i loathe listing on ebay, i have an ebay pile that i just need to get done!! Packaging it all up just gets on my nerves.
Thank you for your reply regarding the cosmetics/toiltries, i really need to decide what to use up and what to let go. My kids are back at school next monday so i will set aside one morning to do it!! There i’ve said it!!
Your something to be grateful for, i love this too, i can have my house picture perfect within half an hour and that includes the loo being cleaned and a vac n dust all round!!
Sharron x
Chelle says
You might try listing the stuff on Craigs List. That way people come and get it and pay you for it. I have done this with several large items, much to my own delight and to the delight of the people getting the items at bargain prices.
Sharron says
We don’t have craiglist 🙁 Am in the uk, we have gumtree, but to be honest it attracts a lot of time wasters! Thanks anyhow 🙂
Colleen says
Hi Sharron,
I have found that ebaying (in Australia at least) really isn’t worth the effort lately. People just aren’t buying much and when they do it is at rock bottom prices. Good luck with you attempt though, I hope it goes well.
Katharine says
What holds me back is the physical act of getting it out of the house. I think part of it is feeling for some things I should ‘make more effort’ and try and sell them, but I do find selling a horrible burden.
Otherwise, it is that final no turning back moment of taking it to a charity shop, yet I haven’t yet regretted one thing I have got rid of this year.
Once I have made the decision, ideally I would like someone else to deal with getting them out of the house to where ever they need to go,lol.
Colleen says
Hi Katharine,
that is interesting. I find the opposite, if an item has made it to the declutter pile I can’t get it out of here quick enough because it is now cluttering up my garage. It helps that I work at the thrift shop once a week and can drop it off and sometimes even see it walk out the door with a happy customer.
Have you considered getting the charity to come and pick up you items. Once the phone call is made there is no turning back. If I find myself balking at making the next move with anything I just throw myself in head first. Like tearing off a bandaid once the deed is done you can move on to the next stage. Isn’t it funny thought that even though there are rarely regrets will still find it difficult at times to move to the next step. Next time you find yourself having these feelings just think ~ If I found out tomorrow that I had terminal cancer would I want my loved ones to have to deal with this stuff once I am gone ~ the answer is inevitably no!
Katharine says
Making the phone call is the same block for me Colleen. In the end I just have to make myself get round to it and then when it is done, wonder why I took so long as it feels so great to get it out of the house. And I do get round to it in the end.
I am going to try and put somethings on my shopping trolley and drop them off after work on Thursday.
Colleen says
Hi Katharine,
the fact that you can overcome your block and declutter anyway is great. I hope it becomes easier for you a time wears on.
Michelle says
The thing that impedes my decluttering progress is being a one car family. Husband takes car to work and daughter (2) are on foot (pushchair) so it is impossible to take larger items to the charity shop. I have a collection waiting in the garage to go, but weekends are so precious as family time that I keep putting off taking them when I have access to the car. Your post has sealed it. I am doing it this weekend! No more excuses. We move house in 10 days, so what is the point in taking excess baggage with us!
Colleen says
Hi Michelle,
I am not sure what country you are in but my advice is to take a look in your phone directory (on-line preferably) or even google a charity of your choice and find their phone number and call them to see if they do pick ups. I know the one that I volunteer for does ( When I lived in America all my donations where picked up at my house also. So I am sure that wherever you live there will be a charity out there that will come to you. I only have the car one day a week usually (even though my husband has two motorbikes in the garage) and I do try to cram all my errands in on that day after 2 o’clock when I finish at the thrift store. Luckily for me I don’t have a little one to have to drag around with me, they understandably get irritated with that after a while. Good luck with the move I hope all goes well.
willow says
This is why I choose not to sell anything online. If I have something to sell, I tell people (word of mouth) or post on a local network group. Ebay is just too much work for me–I won’t actually DO it.
The fact that my house is a bit messy right now is slowing me down–I get distracted and ‘uneasy’ and have difficulty concentrating. I know the solution: spend some time cleaning up even one room!
Colleen says
Hi Willow,
I find that the only cure for procrastination when it come to a mess is to get off my butt and get on with cleaning it up. Doing the job always feels better than sitting around moping about it. Of course this doesn’t stop me from falling into that trap in the first place but at least I know the only way out.
Chelle says
What is holding me back at the moment is that the trash that I have to go to the dump is too large for me to carry it to the car and then dump it when I get there. I need help from either my husband or my son. My son was making regular dump runs for me this summer, but he is now back at school and that old, broken recliner is still down there in my basement.
My goal is to have a completely clutter free basement, with shelves for things like Christmas decorations and the kids’ coin collections. If I can get all of the trash out of there, like the cardboard boxes (and that recliner), then I can make a start of actually cleaning. I have decluttered everything that I can physically declutter myself.
I don’t want to pay money to have someone come and pick things up. If you have suggestions on how to get my family to get with the program, I am all ears! I seem to be the only one decluttering, although I did finally get my 14 year old to go through a couple of dresser drawers with me today to determine which t-shirts were shirts he could not or would not wear. Amazing what I found in there!
snosie says
Hey Chelle,
I live in Sydney, Australia, and I gather you perhaps don’t. But for many weeks, I was the florist gofer, and I had to take HUGE vans full of wet heavy bags and boxes (sodden) to the tip. Once I got there, someone helped direct me to back it up, and then helped me empty it out more weeks than not. So try your luck – if you hubby or son can load one evening, one day you can go to the tip and put on your best ‘I’m a lady and I need help’ face, and most guys will help out – they like to show they’re strong and can do it!
Colleen says
Hi Chelle,
family cooperation is often a problem but I find that if I tie my feelings in with the request for someone to do something for me I usually get a better result. For example you might like to say to your husband or son ~ I am feeling frustrated by the fact that I can’t manage to get that old recliner out of the basement. I would feel a whole lot better once it is out of the way and I can get started cleaning the mess up down there. Could you please do that for me this weekend so I can make a start it would really make me happy.
(After all when Mom isn’t happy no-ones happy.)
Good luck and happy decluttering.
Annabelle says
Well, over the past several years I’ve sold a lot (and purchased stuff) on ebay. It really is a great resource and has always worked well for me (selling at least, the buying stuff has gotten me into trouble). However, my ‘not-so-small’ inconvenience this summer is that I’ve been so totally not interested or ready to deal with the process of listing for sale a bunch of my stuff on ebay, so that was holding me back from doing much if any decluttering (so stuff just sat around where it was, or was set aside in a closet/box for dealing with it later). I really dreaded putting in the time and energy for ebay: listing/selling fees, lay out and photograph and upload the photos, write the description, set the price, watch/monitor the listing, see how many hits it has received, if there are any offers, etc; then after stuff sells, the packaging and mailing, making sure it is received in a timely matter, leaving feedback, etc. Adding together this post and the Mini-mission for today (Monday) put me in the position to just blatantly get rid of a bunch of stuff. I’ve already lost the money on the stuff; I should not have purchased 99% of it in the first place, so I’m at the point that it just has to go to the thrift store. And off it went. How happy I was to see the stuff in the rear view mirror as I drove away and tell it, “BYE-BYE STUFF!!! YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED INTO MY HOUSE EVER AGAIN!!!”
I’m at the point where I’ve no interest in acquiring stuff like I used to, even from thrift stores for pennies (my huge problem). Somehow the ‘do not buy it in the first place’ is truly sinking into my stubborn hard head!
Colleen says
Alleluia! Annabelle,
it doesn’t become clutter if it brought in in the first place. That way you can avoid the expense, the clutter, the guilt and the frustation of selling (and the husband’s wrath). Key key key!!!
Annabelle says
‘husband’s wrath’…I LOVE THAT!!! So true. LOL!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Alice says
I also detest listing on ebay. I have loads and loads of craft patterns stacked up to sell. I’ve concentrated on listing the same designer until they are all sold and then plan to continue with others. I’ve taken patterns and magazines to the Goodwill and given others to friends. I only get four patterns listed before I get fed up and quit. Most of these patterns will sell for $3 or $4, so I wonder if it is really worth it? The fact that I have my ‘for sale’ items stacked in plain sight and on the floor keeps me from decluttering more patterns. I haven’t had much luck listing with Craig’s list mainly because I give up to easy and only list the item(s) one day. It is rather discouraging sometimes.
Colleen says
Hi Alice,
Your comment has inspired me to give craigslist a go. Nothing ventured nothing gained I suppose. At least there are no fees to deal with or lose if the items don’t sell. Ebay is making it harder and harder for the average person who just wants to sell a few items to recoup a bit of cash. The lastest is that you have to have a returns policy. I think I will just stick with the choose wisely before I buy method so that in future there will be nothing that I need to sell. Good luck with the pattern selling.
Janetta says
I agree with most of the comments here: I did sell a bunch of stuff on Trade-Me but then I worked out how much I made and it just wasn’t worth the hassle. Now I take everything down to the Hospice Shop, even items I could have made decent money on, and feel very virtuous that I am helping a charity make money and knowing that my stuff will go to someone who really wants it. Win win all round!
I had intended to declutter 365 items but I am up to 455 – yay! I realise now that this is a continual process, although I have slowed down a lot now. I get quite chuffed when I find something to declutter, am I mad or what!?
Anita says
I’ve had success selling items on eBay, but I agree that it can be a chore. I’ve recently sold some small items through a local antiques shop, and it was so much easier. I priced the items and dropped them off. The shop sold them, kept a small commission, and wrote me a check for the remainder.
Deb J says
I don’t like dealing with the selling either. My mother always thinks we should sell things but to me it isn’t worth the effort and she always thinks we should get more for an item than we will. So I just bundle it all up and give it to our church for the church yard sale. They will even come pick it up and store it until time for the sale.
Colleen says
He Deb J,
sometimes I like selling sometimes I don’t. It is a bit hit and miss. I am about at the end of the things I am likely to sell and thank heavens for that. A quick donation is so much easier and a feel good thing to do.
snosie says
Wow Colleen – this one speak to me (and many people), such a contrast to yesterday (but in a way I’m sure it’s nice to have a less busy day with diligently replying to each of us!)
I’m trying to declutter old, out of life computers. My hindrance is wiping the HDDs, which I posted about on See it takes time to run them on each drive, and by the second drive, it crashed somewhere (blue screen of death) so I have to switch off, switch back on some time in the future and do it all again. And I have more than 1 computer I want to declutter at once (so the council pickup actually SEES the goods, and doesn’t fail to pick up the one thing I called them for!!)
In an aside, I thought about your thanful thing a day (ok, not what you call it, but I’m not functioning on all cyclinders – I have a headache). Despite the headache, and 4 hours on site, I did appreciate all the little wild freesias growing, and thought of you, as the first time I’d noticed these was when I was working up in Newcastle last year. Still, despite feeling crappy I could appreciate this and other things – like the ease of having a vehicle for work!
Colleen says
Hi Snosie,
I must admit I have been busy answering comments most of the day but I enjoy it and I do keep posting questions for people to answer lately so I am causing so I can hardly complain. We learn so much from each other and so often comments give me ideas for future posts so that is doubly helpful.
Decluttering computers is a problem because you can never be too sure that you have erased all the information. My old laptop is till sitting up in the office waiting for my husband to deal with. I must ask him about that.
I hope your headache is better. I am glad the freesias made you think of me. I love spring time, walking around my neighbourhood is so lovely when all the flowers are out. I had such a lovely time taking photos of them and posting them on my blog last year.
I think having good public transport would be even better than having a car. Unfortunately NSW isn’t famous for that.
Delores says
Great post.
What stops me is technology. I have records that need to be tracked off to disk or computer files. Most are not replaceable but I don’t have a consistent was to play them. I also have photos, negatives and slides that need to be scanned. Those are the biggest areas. I don’t know how to do any of that. Friends will tell me what programs have worked for them. Family members will tell me why those programs won’t work. And I don’t know enough to figure it out on my own and hook everything up. It would be very expensive to pay someone to do it for me. My dream is to figure it out and spend a little time whenever I can picking away at it. I would regain many cubic feet as well as better access to my music and pictures.
Colleen says
Hi Delores,
it is not only the technology with these things but the labour and time involved. Ouch! We sent all our negatives and colour slides to be done by an on-line company. By the time you bought a decent film/slide scanner you could have someone do it all for you and save yourself a lot of time and bother. I will ask my husband what it all cost.
Ann says
Hi Colleen,
My hindrance to starting my declutter project has always been the sheer size of the job, coupled with the fact that I would probably regret having parted with things after they had gone.
As you know, I had my wake-up call, and started the task by having my husband put a drawer a day on my bed, before he left for work, and put it away again when he got home. It snowballed from there, I have no idea how many items I have parted with, but well over 1,000 I should thing. And the joke: not one of those items have I regretted or even thought back on!
Then two weeks ago, I raised the subject of a mildly damaged armchair which came from my husband’s family home, and, in 24 years, has never fitted into our life (except when daughter was tiny and liked to climb up and rock in it). The subject of removal was (heatedly) discussed several times in the first few years, then left to languish in our library. Two weeks ago, I asked again if it could go, and this time (because, I think, most of what has already gone was my own) he said yes, it might as well go. As neither of us could nowadays lift it (large and angular with defective foldout ironworks for the footrest) and carry it down our narrow stairway to the front door, I rang the Salvation Army – they came and collected it, and IT IS GONE! It was hard for him, but two weeks on, it appears to be forgotten, and I just love the space freed up, and the different look to the room. Then we both got onto the garage….. a work in progress.
No hindrances now….
Colleen says
Hi Ann,
there must be days when you are almost glad your Achilles heal failed you it was certainly the catalyst to really get you going on your declutter mission.You looked your hindrance right in the eye and said to heck with you I am doing this whether I like it or not. And look how far you have come. You are an inspiration to us all.
Ann says
Thank you! 😀
Becky says
Very interesting discussion.
I’m generally decluttered, and enjoy decluttering, but I’m finding that since the economy has gone bad, I sometimes hesitate to get rid of something, just in case I ever need it again and might not be able to afford it.
Colleen says
Hi Becky,
nine times out of ten the things we declutter we never really needed in the first place and with a little ingenuity we can substitute it with something else or borrow one from a friend or neighbour.
Kelly says
Like the many others that have commented above what was slowing me down was getting the stuff posted to sell. The solution was my teenage daughter who was looking for ways to make money. I said if she would clean it up, stage it, photograph it and post it. I would pay her $5/posting. I ended up selling up all 5 items. She was motivated and did a great job and it was SO worth it. So now I’m one dresser, large bookshelf, set of tv trays, storage cabinet and pending tom. p.u. a massive treadmill lighter. I didn’t charge a ton, the people were thrilled but it couldn’t match my thrill at seeing the stuff go out the door. When that treadmill goes tom. my neighbors are going to see one “happy dance” let me tell you. For my families sake I’ll take it inside : )!!
Colleen says
Hi Kelly and welcome to 365 Less Things and thank you for your comment. I really do appreciate everyone that adds their voice to the conversation.
What a great idea paying your daughter to be an agent for listing and preparing items to sell. I do the oposite here by trying to sell stuff for my kids as well as myself. In fact the kids stuff is the stuff I have the most desire to make some money on for them because they are just young and starting out in their adult lives.
Getting rid of all those large items must be so liberating for you. Do the happy dance outside when the treadmill goes, perhaps the neighbours will notice and ask what all the excitement is about and you can share the thrill of letting go. Maybe you will inspire them to do the same. The family will get over it. 😆