For a US Woman, I have a very small wardrobe, probably not more than 50 pieces total, and it’s pretty unexciting wardrobe. I wear the same clothes in the same ways over and over. Recently, I discovered the website (, and I was intrigued. The first outfit she shows is a somewhat long t-shirt worn untucked over jeans. Hey! I do that! All the time! But look, then she’s showing the same shirt other ways. It was a revelation to me. I tried it; I looked good.
Then it occurred to me that imaging your wardrobe more functionally, with more potential matches, means that you can build a larger and more versatile wardrobe with fewer pieces of clothing. Check out this site and then look in your closet. There are surely items that you can and should declutter, and most of them probably don’t need to be replaced. Think about it: What can you wear in a new way?
Today’s Mini Mission
 Declutter excess bath towels and in future only replace them when they wear out ~ Judging from many of the linen closets I encounter, during visiting friends and relatives, I would say the people generally replace towels on a far too regular basis. Not because they are no longer capable of the task of drying but simply because they are considered decor items that are to be replaced when tired of.
Eco Tip For The Day
When cooking on an electric stove top, turn off the element at least one minute before you are finished cooking. The pan will retain enough heat to finish the cooking process while you save a minutes worth of electricity. Every little bit helps.
It matters not how fast I go, I hurry faster when I’m slow
Hi Cindy,
What a great website! I also have a small wardrobe by comparison to many women in the US. However, I can often be heard wishing I wore a uniform as I look into the closet in the morning. I hate shopping and because I am petite don’t usually buy on – line due to sizing issues. Learn to better pair and plan might be the solution.
I am pretty good in the towel department. I cleaned out a few months ago. I am re-evaluating the sheet sets though. These are usually stored in the same place as the towels. I think I have too many.
A few weeks ago Colleen talked about borrowing an item and recently about expensive purchases that lead to buyers remorse. I am borrowing an item from a friend to try for about a month. It is something I want and will need to use 5-7 days a week. The question is, is it really something I will use on a regular basis? Try before you buy is the best option. This is friends helping friends. I had a Pilates machine that I wanted to get rid of. She wanted it and I got rid of it.
That is a great website Cindy, I bookmarked it for future reference. It reminds me of my recent vacation. I was wearing the same clothes in different combinations for seven weeks.
She buys many of her clothing items and is featured frequently on Audrey, the owner has quite a remarkable story. Her newsletters are a breath of fresh air. Check it out. I have purchased items from the website. Good prices, Great service and Cute packaging. Because, even though we are all trying to simplify, occasionally, a girl just needs to be a “girly girl” 🙂
Awesome website!!!!!! I want to have a thorough look through but am busy getting ready to go away for the weekend.
Colleen – the prompt for the daily post didn’t arrive in the inbox and given the low number of comments I suspect most people have missed this. Can you add it to Friday’s Favourites or ????
Andreia – are you out there? This post/website is what we have been looking for my friend!
Cindy, what a great website. I have a very small wardrobe but would possibly make it bigger if I did things like this. I’m in a rut and Mom absolutely hates my clothes. To me they are comfortable and cheap. With this idea I can make my wardrobe look bigger and not so “ruttish.” Grin. I have bookmarked the link.
I need to get better about utilizing my clothes in different ways. I have plenty of pieces I can pair with any other piece. I just don’t do so. It is kinda sad.
I’m good on the towel front. I went through the bathroom towels for my daughter and me. Now we have four regular towels (two in use, two in reserve or being washed), two beach towels (which double as “guest towels”), four hand towels (one hangs by the sink, my daughter uses one to dry her hair, and two in reserve), and probably six or eight face cloths (we go through these quickly for some reason). The towels I “got rid of” are either being used as dusting cloths or towels to clean up animal messes. Oh, and one of them is used to dry off the dog after I bathe him because I have to bathe him two to three times a week with medicated shampoo.
then you will love project 333. That is all about clothing and capsule wardrobes.
My girlfriend Holly was dressed in a black skirt and black t-shirt when she read this post. She added a belt and a denim jacket then went to her daughter’s school She could not believe the positive comments she got, all because of a belt and a blue jean jacket!
Thanks for the link to this website–I definitely need some ideas.
I have a small wardrobe, mainly because I’ve been so big for so long and have purchased clothes just to cover me, not because I liked them.
I’m finally starting to lose some weight (hope it continues), and look forward to wearing something pretty again, but I’m in a terrible rut and can’t even imagine what to wear.
I just bookmarked the site so I can start getting some ideas.
Decluttering Diva – I lost a heap of weight last Summer (Im in the Southern Hemisphere) and was getting really low on clothes mid-February. As Autumn shows up in March along with a noticeable drop in the temperature, I decided to hang out till then even though I was down to five items of clothing – why buy Summer clothes when Autumn was so close and I still had another 5kg to go to reach my goal? So of course we ended up having the longest hottest summer on record!
Eventually at the end of April the weather changed and I faced a new dilemma, how do you buy a new wardrobe from scratch? Especially when you want to keep it minimal? I wish I’d had this link. I don’t think I made too many wrong choices but it lacked the styling and flair that the link demonstrated. We’re going into Summer here again and once again it has been a start from scratch situation so this link has been gratefully received!
Moni, I think it is so wonderful that you were able to lose all that weight. Having to buy a new wardrobe is something I hope to do some day. Having this link will be great. I will use it to figure out what to buy.