So who has things cluttering up there home that they discovered that they are allergic to but have kept these items anyway. I know I do.
I found some incense cones in a cupboard the other day so I thought I may as well use them up. So I lit one up and very soon after I started sneezing, wheezing and my eyes started watering up. Then I remembered that is why they had got relegated to the murky depths of the cupboard in the first place. So by now you can guess what the item of the day is going to be today.
This got me thinking about the acne wash I bought for my son some time back that burned his face. I am pretty sure that it is still in his bathroom cupboard. It is one of those – I paid good money for it so I am keeping it – items. This is just ridiculous because it is unlikely that my husband or I am going to need it at our age and we have no other children at home who are going to use it so why is it still here.
I am having dinner with a friend this evening who has a teenage son maybe he could use it. I will make sure I remember to ask her. At least I will feel better if I find it a good home.
I have some candles that my friends made for Christmas. They are so overwhelmingly powerful that I can’t light them. So far I just have them sitting open on a shelf (I can still smell them when I walk by). I’d like to get rid of them, but maybe I could just ditch the wax and return the holders (I know that was the most expensive part of the gift) … but then it might encourage them to give me more!
Hi Carmen,
I have a use for candles that is a little strange and not everyone will approve of but I will tell you anyway. I give my old candles to my son, he is a skateboarder and he uses them to rub on edges when doing nose grinds etc. I hope he doesn’t ever make a nuisance of himself in places he shouldn’t be, I think he usually skates at skate parks and abandon buildings and storm water drains but anyway that is where my old candles go. Maybe there is a skateboarder in your street you can give yours to and take those holders back for a refund. Good luck.