When I first started this adventure of decluttering at the beginning of the year that was all it was to me, decluttering. As I go along on this journey and discover the freedom that unburdening our lives of things that only bring stress on us I am starting to embrace the idea of taking it to the next level.
It really is a natural progression because the fundamentals of minimalism have been a constant topic of conversation in our home for some years mostly without me even realising it. My husband has been reading up and considering the options available to us for some time now and I have only just put a label to the concept.
In a round about way I stumbled onto a blog recently – Sanity In Simplicity – that follows one person’s journey into to minimalist lifestyle. I haven’t read that much of her posts yet but what I have read I have enjoyed.
Here is a small sample from the very first post from Megan’s blog….
Minimalism means many things to many people. To me, it is a way to declutter my space so that I can declutter my mind so that I can declutter my life and sort out my priorities. It a way to have more time and less stress, and be more environmentally friendly. It means working less and playing more. Minimalism, to me, is freedom…
Megan has some links to other great blogs about minimalism as well that are worth a look at.
Maybe next year I will have a whole new blog topic to consider “How I stumbled into minimalism” but lets not get ahead of ourselves after all one step at a time is the motto of 365lessthings.
This is another of my ski gear eBay auctions, a pair of child size 10 Columbia Snowboard Pants that fetched $32.95.
Kim says
I love selling items on eBay that I no longer use! It’s such an easy way to pick up extra cash while uncluttering my space. What’s truly amazing to me is how much I continue to find to sell! You’d think that after uncluttering regularly for 7 months that I’d be out of things to list. But I’m not!
Colleen says
Hi Kim,
I just popped over to your blog and am reading from the beginning. It sounds like you have the right idea there, keep only the things you are passionate about. As for the eBay stuff it is amazing how it just keep presenting itself when you think you have dealt with it all. I think we just get more ruthless as we go along. Good luck with your quest I will be watching your progress.
becoming minimalist says
if it is any help, we stumbled into minimalism after a 2-minute conversation with my neighbor. that was two years ago. and we’ve never looked back.
you are so right about the freedom that it brings.
Colleen says
Hi Joshua,
I just ducked over to your blog to have a quick look and I can’t wait to go back and start reading more. I do not know at this point whether I will become a true minimalist but it sure sounds appealing and great sites like yours really inspire people. I will be writing more post to encourage my readers to investigate this lifestyle.
Anna says
It is great isn’t it the treasures you can stumble across whilst blog hopping?
Thanks for the recommendation and keep up the decluttering inspiration! (Much needed for me at the moment).
Colleen says
Hi Anna,
happy 33rd birthday to you, congratulations on the big driving acheivement and don’t let anyone discourage you from taking great joy out of the little things in life. Good to hear from you again. Get into that decluttering – remember don’t look at the big picture just take that first step.
Zach Ellerbrook | Always Enjoy Life says
Speaking of blog stumbling, It’s a bummer that I haven’t discovered this One Day at a Time philosophy towards reducing sooner. Unfortunately, I’ve been thinking about how I’m going to simplify my possessions, reading about 100-things challenges and whatnot, but have only gotten rid of very little.
There’s a good chance that I’m still going to procrastinate, but I need to talk about this publicly more often so I can finally get off my butt. It worked for re-starting my blog. Great idea Kim!
Colleen says
Hi Zach,
no more procrastinating! There is no better time to start decluttering than the present, so what item are you starting with today. One item is all it takes believe me and the momentum will get you rolling along soon enough. Have a look at all the stuff I have rid myself of already and we are only a third of the way through the year. Sometimes I am tempted to move a little faster but why change the way I am doing things if it is working for me.
I am looking forward to jumping over to have a read of your blog soon I have already had a sneak peek and bookmarked it for when I am done catching up on two other blogs.
Zack have a read of this post about procrastinating http://www.365lessthings.com/?p=81
Megan says
Thanks for the kind words, Colleen! Just starting to check out your blog, and I really love the concept. I think you should definitely take the hop over to minimalism (after you finish your current project of course) :).
Colleen says
Hi Megan,
I have almonst finished reading through all your post and I have really enjoyed them. I took a look at the video, The Story Of Stuff, wow, that was a slap in the face – a wake up to reallity moment. Although most poeple me included are already aware to some degree that that is the reality of our throw away society it is still hard to come to terms with how bad it really is. If that doesn’t inpire a person to stop buying stuff nothing will.
I am going to have a go at that Focaccia recipe soon it sounds really good. Thanks for dropping by.