Questions to ask yourself when you are deciding what stays and what goes when decluttering
- How long since I last used this:- If you are keeping an item just because maybe you might need it some day then it is probably clutter.
- Is it still useful to me:- Do I still use this item or even participate in the activity that this item is used for if not then it’s clutter.
- Is it in working condition:- If an item is broken and you do not have the expertise to repair it or you are not prepared to pay the price to have it fixed then it is clutter.
- How many do I have and how many do I need:- If you have multiples of a certain item but only ever need one then it is most likely clutter.
- Do I need this item for the information it contains:- So much information is right at your finger tips these days on your computer and it is constantly updated do you really need to keep a library of books whose information may or may not stand the test of time.
- Do I like it:– If you are keeping something that was given to you even though you do not like it, it is definitely clutter
- Do I really need this item in order to remember good times or lost loves:- If it is an item that has purely sentimental value yet you never get it out and look at it then there is a good chance you don’t need it to remind you of the good times you had and the wonderful people you have known. If it means so much to you put it out where you can see it if not let it go.
- Am I keeping this item out of guilt:- I paid a lot of money for this so I hope one day I will get my money’s worth out of it (old hobbies, sporting equipment, expensive clothing all fall into this category). These are the items you need to cash in on now and sell while they are still useful to someone else.
As you can see we have been very busy in eBay lately this camera case was free with the camera used to take this photo with. We did not need it. It sold for $25.00
My mantra is: everything in my house has to be beautiful or useful and have a HAPPY memory. That’s my goal.
Thanks for writing this blog. I eagerly await each day’s post and am not disappointed. Every post is relevant and I get so much out of it. This post is no exception. Very pertinent questions. And Willow, that’s a great mantra. Thanks!
Thanks Di,
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