After reading Deb j’s write-up in yesterday’s post Hiring a Professional Organizer I got to thinking about the useless spaces that are in many homes. It makes a whole lot more sense to think outside the box and start utilizing these spaces for something more practical that suits our individual lives.
So often we conform with the norm and furnish our homes according to the original framework intended by the designer. When in actual fact it would be far more practical to turn a barely used room like a formal dining room into an area more suited to our own lifestyle like a craft room, an office, a playroom for the kids or even a gym. I knew a couple once that turned their formal lounge and dining rooms into an entertainment area. They included a 6 x 3 pool table and a digital movie projector with a big white screen and a couple of comfy sofas. What had just been an area of their home collecting dust was transformed into a place for pure enjoyment that was shared with friends and family.
Use the space you have wisely or if you don’t need the space downsize to a dwelling that leaves a smaller footprint on the planet. Something that emits less pollution to keep warm in winter and cool in summer. Something that best suits your lifestyle and personality not just a status symbol that is fundamentally impractical. Having not long done just this I am very pleased with the result and would never consider reversing this trend for our family.
More items my daughter no longer needs I gave them to a friends granddaughter.
Deb J says
This is a great post. So many people are boxed in by convention, what someone else thinks or says. The best house is the one you use to the fullest.
Colleen says
Hi Deb J,
I couldn’t agree with you more.
Annie says
I agree! Even if “everybody else” does something or has a certain room, it makes no sense to follow the crowd when another use (or elimination entirely) would make more sense in your particular situation! Great post, I am glad I found you! Located your link on Mogul in Training’s Blogroll and will definitely subscribe!
Colleen says
Hi Annie,
thanks for taking a look at my blog and I am glad you are enjoying it so far. I ducked over to have a look at your blog to and was enjoying reading it. I spent a little too long over there and now will be late getting started on my housework but who cares with my much smaller house it won’t take long anyway.
It is fun being a non-conformist isn’t it, living ourside the box a little is good for the spirit. Luckily the house I live in was made with little wasted space so I don’t need to think too hard about how to use it to the best advantage but I put that down to choosing well in the first place.
By the way I couldn’t see a way to subscribe to your blog by email. Do you have that option? Do you also write the Living on $500 of less a month Blog?
Gen says
Kinda funny. We actually did that after we moved into the house we currently live in. The house is organized like an apartment with all liveable space being on the first floor (ground floor below us) with the garage and storage on the ground floor. It has 3 bedrooms. The biggest is “supposed to be” the master bedroom. The way it’s laid out (with a phone jack near the door), we decided (after about 4 months) that we wanted a smaller bedroom for the coziness and make the “master” into our office/wardrobe holder (we are loaned wardrobes from the base since Italian houses don’t have closets). We are much happier with the results.