My little girl (who is 21) is changing direction in her life and is deferring her studies to go into full time work. She is also planning on moving out into her own apartment for the first time. With this in mind I have decided to put a few items aside for her so there will be less for her to buy when all this takes place.
So instead of actual decluttering they are just being moved into a holding pattern in a box in the garage for when she needs them. I don’t really consider this decluttered until they have actually left my house but at least they aren’t staring at me unused from the shelf where they have sat for the last 3 years.
Rather than try to sell some of these items it will be a lot easier for me to just hand them over to her as I know she will need all the help she can get. Some time back we started a collection of household items for her which are already cluttering up the garage so when the time comes that she does move out there will be some nice open space on the garage shelves.
This is another of those items I am nut sure why my husband decluttered but mine is not to reason why. It sold for $20 on ebay.
i just want to let you know that i come home after work…check your blog..and your blog gets me inspired to go clean my house!!
thank you..and my husband thanks you!!
Hi Nikki,
thank you so much for the kind words and tell your husband it is my pleasure. Which part does he like the most the part where I inspire you to declutter or the part where I encourage you not to buy unnecessary items. Thank you so much for being a regular reader.
I also thank you for the sugar doll bloggy award. I know I am probably just being a dufus because I have been a little busy and flustered lately but I don’t understand what I have to do to collect it and my tech man (Hubby) is out of town and he is the one who usually takes care of these things. I jumped into blogging so fast that I haven’t had a change to learn how to take care of the tech stuff for myslef and I hate being helpless or appearing stupid. Life will settle down again one of these days and I will find time to learn how to take care of my own plugins, setting etc.
Happy reading!
I decluttered two sets of dishes, pots and pans and silverware from my parents’ things when my kids moved into apts the first time! Recycling at its best. And I know your daughter will appreciate it all.
Hi Willow,
I am sure she will. My hubby and I will have to do a road trip of a thousand kilometres to get it to her but that would be fun.
Hi Meg,
I will make sure she knows that the foisting has no strings attached. She can ditch and upgrade without thinking she is going to upset me. There is certainly nothing that I am giving her that I want back or have any attachment to. That aside, the old foist method is a good one.
oh yes, the foist ’em on the kiddies method…i know it well!!!! ;D
I recently just walked through my house and found 10 things I could easily give away… it’s amazing how this is such an iterative process.
On the first round through my closet, I got rid of two huge garbage bags of clothes. I loved the feeling of freedom it afforded me. A few months later, I can now see at least half a bag more of things that I really don’t need. And I think it’s the same for all the other areas of the house — you have to keep going through it again and again.
As for me, I’m just uncluttering, very slowly.
Hi Barb,
Iterative is the word alright. Over and over and over until it is all gone. What doesn’t make the cut today may well get the chop tomorrow. It is a process not a single event. The trick is to not add anything during the process that is likely to become clutter before the end of it.
Congrats to your daughter for her decisions. This is going to be a big step for all of you. It’s wonderful that you can help her out with things you no longer need, which in turn, helps you declutter.
Hi Betty Jo,
thanks for the encouragement. I am still terrified as I think I have been since she was born. I just wish for a happy life for her.