Hi folks, it looks like I have accidentally decluttered 365lessthings today. I spent so much time answering comments yesterday that I didn’t realise that I hadn’t written a post. I woke up just before the alarm this morning and it suddenly occurred to me I had forgotten. I must apologize. Unfortunately we have a federal election here in Australia today so I have to go vote (it’s compulsory here) before work so I don’t have time to throw something together. I promise I will be back tomorrow.
Thsi vase was a gift for my mother (She loves giraffes) but it is so fragile that I have always had some excuse never to get it to her. I may give up on the idea and donate it, it’s a bit gaudy anyway. It has been in my possession for at least five years. That brings this weeks year tally to 69.5.
Cindy says
Whoops. That must have been an unpleasant surprise. We miss you, but we understand. (See how freely I use “we”.)
Colleen says
Hi Cindy,
I appreciate that and I am glad you are thinking of yourself as being part of a community. That is what I consider 365lessthing to be.
willow says
No problem. Just consider it an election day pass.
Colleen says
Hi Willow,
I had been so organised on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday too. Actually it was very furtunate that I was because I was as sick as a dog for two days so it was lucky today’s post was the only one missed.
Jo says
@ Cindy – LOL
Consider me one of the “we”, also.
Voting is compulsory there? How do they enforce that?!!!
(I live in Canada, and I think this is a great idea – our turnout rates are dismal)
Colleen says
Hi Jo,
I am glad you are a we!
To answer the “how do they enforce compulsory voting.” They fine you if you don’t. I don’t now how big the fine is as I have never not turned up and it must be a job and a half to compile the list of people who didn’t show but that is what they do.
Jo says
Thank you for the answer to my question. I hear the vote results were interesting!
Hope you are recovering quickly.
Donna says
As another member of the “we”, I hope you are feeling better now. 🙂
Colleen says
Hi Donna,
thanks for that. I am getting there.
jessiejack says
Wow – I think it’s great to make the voting compulsory–our turnout is dismal also in the US- esp for local positions.
Colleen says
Hi jessiejack,
at least we know we have a full count of the entire adult population’s choice. Although this time it hasn’t given us a clear result.