I have noticed an influx of new readers recently and I would like to take this chance to welcome you all to my blog. I would also like to say thank you to all my loyal readers who have been with me for a while now.
Since I am now at Day 236 and I started my blog on Day 64 there has been quite a lot of water under the bridge since I first started my blog. That is a lot of days to read if you are knew and want to read some more tips and advice and it is a lot of days that may be forgotten if you have been reading from right back at the start. So today I thought I might bring forward a few posts that I thought are worth a second look at or I wouldn’t want you to miss if you are new. So here they are…
- Day 99 Photo Deterrent :- A little trick to make you think twice about buying stuff you don’t really need
- Day 101 Finding time to find things :- Some of the methods I use to find time to declutter without actually taking up too much time.
- Day 102 Garage sale tips :- This post give tips for preparing and holding a garage sale as a way to make some spare cash out of your clutter.
- Day 113 Too much pressure :- about taking it easy on yourself, pace yourself and you will get there in the end.
- Day 169 Forgive yourself :- This post is about letting go of the guilt involved in the objects that you wish you hadn’t wasted your hard earned money on in the first place.
I hope you find these worth a second look or as the case maybe enjoy them as a first read.
These vacuum seal bags are a great concept but I have found that they always seem to spring a leak. Also I don’t have the clutter to fill them up with any more so they can go. I guess they haven’t been used since we came back to Australia so that is 3 years to add to the declutter year tally bring it to 92.5 years.
I used to have some of those bags, but they really don’t do very well at all! I was terribly disappointed in them after paying what they cost! Old-fashioned ways are definitely better (and cheaper). Great post!
Hi Annie,
so its not just me then they really don’t work that well.
Great list of posts, Colleen, and you’re smart to recycle them since there are so many to search through now. #169 was a favorite of mine.
Hi Cindy,
thank you. Some post a just really worth revisiting.
Day 113 is my favourite of your posts!
It’s so encouraging to hear that even those of us who aren’t declutterers by nature or by upbringing can eventually do this overwhelming job, one piece at a time.
Hi Jo,
I thought it was worth dragging up out of the archives for a second look. The task seems a whole lot less overwhelming when you approach it this way.
Thanks, Colleen…too funny…I have those bags too, and I haven’t used them either for almost 3 years! Seeing you let it go really helps me to let it go too! I’m going to dig it up now! By the way, do you think you’ll continue your blog after 365 days? (I hope so!) Thanks for the archive links too…how did you know I have been working my way back through your posts? 🙂
Hi Angela,
thank you for the encouragement to continue after the 365 days. I think I would miss you all too much to let you go so easily. Maybe I will cut myself some slack though and not post everyday, that really is harder than it seems. Thank you also for being intereted enough to go all the way back through my posts I appreciate your dedication.
Thanks – I liked day 99 and 101 and hadn’t read them before!
I’m really thinking “will I declutter this later?” before buying anything new. I’m going with less, but good quality so I will not get tempted to “upgrade” later. With clothing it’s things I truly need and will actually wear all the time, no stuff for an imagined life for me!
Hi Cat’s Meow,
I am glad you enjoyed the archives. Having the strategies in place to not reclutter is half the battle to decluttering. Keep up the good work.
I just recently stumbled onto your blog and I want to say thank you very much for your inspiration. I have been working on de-cluttering for awhile now and your blog is some needed fuel to keep me going. Blessings : )
Hi Betty Anne,
thanks for joining us here at 365lessthings, you are most welcome. I am glad you have been inspired to step up your decluttering efforts. I look forward to some helpful input from you here in the comments section.
My sister in law gave me some of those bags with a sealer. I had it for two years, never used it, so I gave it back to her. I wonder if she still has it…
I liked #101
Hi Willow,
those bags would come in handy for excess yarn, if they worked. ;-\
On #101 – I still use this tac tic my especially favourite oportunity is when I am waiting for the kettle to boil.