I have a little book that a friend gave me recently although she knows better than to give me presents she just can’t help herself. The little book is called Everyday Happy 365 Ways to a better you – by Jenny Hare. Day 339 was so relevant to the way I declutter that I thought I would share it with you on Day 339Â Simple Sunday. So here it is…
Break tasks down
When you are trying to get something done, it may help to break the project down into easy do-able chunks. Looking at the whole picture can be so daunting that you judder to a halt before you’ve even begun.
Setting it out in bite-size chunks and tackling them one by one, suddenly makes the process less of a scary task and more of a pleasure. When you complete a section, you’ll feel so pleased with yourself you’ll eagerly get going with the next one.
Bit by bit – when you move through a job piece by piece the whole journey feels good.
Item 339 of 365 less things
Yet more plastic drawers the we no longer have anything to put in. Decluttering the clutter holders is a good sign of making progress.
5 Things I am grateful for today
- We had a nice amble around a local craft fair – All we came away with were good ideas.
- We had a lovely get together with the neighbours – A neighbourhood get together to say Merry Christmas to each other and welcome to the newcomers.
- Leftovers for dinner – So I didn’t have to cook.
- Free 20 minute cell phone calls after 8pm – They are the main source of communication with my daughter.
- Stumbling upon today’s post idea at the 11th hour
It matters not how fast I go, I hurry faster when I’m slow.
I had to laugh when I read this. You’re almost to the end! I remember when I started decluttering the “clutter holders”. What a glorious feeling to drop off empty storage tubs and organizers at the thrift shop.
Hi Tanja,
thank you for joining us here at 365lessthings you are most welcome. I hope you will make a habit of dropping in a leaving comments we can always use a little extra wisdom. I jumped over and had a look at your blog and I liked what I saw and will be going back for a better look later.
I seem to be making a lot of people laugh today and I am happy about that. You are right it is good when you can start decluttering the clutter holders and I am glad to see the back of them.
That’s how I’m going to approach the Christmas decorations today. A few at a time. And most likely more will end up in the give away bag. Won’t Christmas be wonderful when you only own and display the things you think are beautiful and you truly love?
Hi Willow,
I couldn’t agree more and that is also my intention this year too. I had been waiting for Christmas just so I could get the decorations out to declutter them.
I’m ready to declutter some boxes too. I remember when I started my friend Natalie teased me about someday decluttering storage. Well Natalie, that day is almost here!
Good for you Cindy. I will be looking forward to a post from you about that.
I’m at the decluttering plastic boxes too! This past week alone I’ve gotten rid of 4 32 litre plastic storage bins. I put them on the nature strip and within 5 minutes they were GONE. Also, the number of wicker baskets I’ve donated must total a dozen so far (all bought at the op shop, thank goodness, to house the kids’ crap).Now that most of their rubbish is gone I don’t need them any more, but I know that I can always pick up more cheaply if the need arises again.
Hi Loretta,
good for you! Lets hope the need never arises again.