Call me crazy but I have started to twitter 365lessthings. I may come to regret this or maybe even just neglect to tweet but I figured I would give it a go. I will be tweeting my daily post but also, little quotes that I find in my travels, my uneducated opinion on things and posts that I have read and I think are worth sharing. I will still have my favourite five Friday posts but this way I can share good posts more often.
So if you tweet please share the love and let folks know 365lessthings is out there trying to help folks with their decluttering needs.
Item 346 of 365 less things
Another one of our eBay sales this one fetched $66. Better to have the cash in our pocket than have this item sitting around unused.
5 Things I am grateful for today
- Life’s lessons –Good or bad they have their purpose we just have to figure what that is and in all cases it’s best to be positive.
- Aging – It may have its disadvantages but the wisdom gained along the way is invaluable.
- How much more talkative my son is since his accident.
- Finding a good Thai restaurant locally.
- Shared wisdom– I wouldn’t have found out about the Thai restaurant above if a friend hadn’t told me about it. Word of mouth is great advertising.
It matters not how fast I go, I hurry faster when I’m slow.
Interesting about your son’s increased talkativeness – I take it you are enjoying that!
After my father’s stroke, he became less able to filter what he said, and became more chatty as well. The brain is such a mystery.
Hi Jo,
yes I am loving it. I hope it means that if he does find he is having problems due to his injury he will let us know and not let is get out of hand. He is doing so well though that I am not sure what the brain injury clinic will need to do for him.
I’m glad you’re enjoying Liam’s change of verbal pace.
Wisdom of the aged–or at least middle-aged. Nothing can replace experience.
Hi Willow,
I am enjoying Liam talking more that is for sure but I would like to see him get out and find s new interest that is safer than skateboarding and cycling. He has his art but he needs more I think. It is a good time to make positive changes in his life.
As for being middle aged it really isn’t bad is it.
Great to see you on Twitter – I hope you enjoy it and it doesn’t take up too much of the time you are freeing by decluttering your space 😉 I’m @myzerowaste if you want to follow me 🙂
Thanks Mrs Green and congratulations again on your award for greenest household. Keep up the good work.