key #6 – Don’t over think it
Sometimes when we are faced with what seems like a mammoth task we tend to over think the situation. For my decluttering effort each day I just walk into a room take a look around, peek in a cupboard or too and just find something to declutter. Or I might just spy something on my daily meandering throughout the house. Over thinking can cause procrastination or worse scare you off the task altogether. If you find yourself hyperventilating at the mere thought of decluttering, STOP, and take 5 slow deep breaths clear your mind and start over the easy way.
Item 362 of 365lessthings
Today’s offering to the donation box is a batch of unused greeting cards that have been cluttering up my card box for more years than I care to remember. If I haven’t used them yet I’m probably never going to.
5 Reflections of gratitude toward people in my life this year
- My husband- for always doing all the work to organise our wonderful overseas vacations. For editing my posts most of the time. For being there for me through thick and thin. For loving me no matter what etc etc etc.
- My daughter- Although I worry about her far more than I should she never does anything too outrageously frightening. And she loves me enough to phone me nearly every night.
- My Son – For doing his best to be patient about all the things he isn’t allowed to do while his brain recovers. And for being forgiving when I get too overprotective.
- Cindy for helping me out in good times and bad – Can’t thank you enough Cindy.
- The other wonderful people who wrote posts for me while I was on my vacation – Donna * Steve * and Betty Jo* (I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone)
One of the things I finally did when I sorted my cabinet was declutter and organise all of my stash of greetings cards… I had more than I thought and won’t need to buy ANY in the new year LOL
Hi Cathryn,
you are doing a super job of decluttering I think. Nearly every day you regale us with a story of something you have found to use up or declutter. Good for you. Not only that I can tell by your comments that you are really enjoying it and that is key to sticking with your mission. Keep it up, I want to hear more of these stories.
Thanks for the kind words Colleen. It really has been my pleasure.
I know but it never hurts to reiterate.