So much great wisdom always surfacing from our readers. Once again it was hard to narrow it down to only five.
- Natalie in response to The pervasive effect or clutter on peace of mind ~  “There is the burden of guilt for spending money on the now unused stuff.†That is me… Read more.
- Jess @ miniMum had this suggestion in response to  Where is the light at the end of the tunnel? ~ This problem is why some minimalists recommend the tabula rasa method of decluttering… Read more.
- I had to add this one to today’s favourite five as it was a big achievement fro Andréia although in the end not that much effort ~ Hi! I cleaned my wardrobe yesterday. I spent about 1 hour and 30 minutes doing it, at most… Read more.
- Bethany from Type A minimalist had these words of personal experience wisdom to share with us ~ I completely agree with your assessment that your stuff just weighs you down… Read more.
- Sarah had this to say about “Useful Gifts” ~Â In a year I visited about 3-4 medical congresses… Read more.
My five blog picks for the week ~ I didn’t have time to read many more than these five because I was so busy. Luckily I found five good ones quickly
- Get off this wheel ~ The new term – Mediumism
- Type A Minimalist ~ What we’re watching – Waste-land
- Make it Happen ~ Born to win
- Unclutterer ~ Collections trash or treasure
- Exconsumer ~ Cheap minimalist birthday party for kids
Today’s Declutter Item
I think I have mentioned before that I wasn’t going to declutter my bread maker even though I don’t use it all the often unless it died on me. Well it died on me so out it goes. I put it on the footpath hoping someone would claim it for parts but I am not sure if that happend because the pick up happened so fast I didn’t get a chance to see of the bread maker was claimed or not.
My Gratitude List
- Something that made me laugh ~ My friend Amber telling me I didn’t need stuff at the antique store today. I think she was echoing back to me what I am always telling her. (Mrs Pot)
- Something Awesome ~ Checking out all the stuff at the antique shop and then happily leaving with nothing
- Something to be grateful for ~ Friends who do nice things for one another that don’t generate clutter.
- Something that made me happy ~ Enjoying a day with few commitments.
- Something I found fascinating ~ The stuff at the antique shop, it brings back happy memories of my childhood and reminds me loved ones long gone. I could look around in there all day.
It matters not how fast I go, I hurry faster when I’m slow
A “mediumist” that’s me. I like it.
Colleen, you (and I) are not old enough to go to an antique store and have childhood memories! Not a real antique store, at least.
Hi Cindy,
just remember Australia has only been colonised for 223 years so old doesn’t have to be that old here to seem antique. 🙂 I remember going to the east coast of America for the first time and being amused by the difference in age of the old buildings there compared to the ones in Australia. And then I went to Rome…
Hi Colleen! You just went to a vintage store that sells things from 30/40 years ago 😀 ! I know the feeling of thinking about old as I looked at a 300 year old square here in my home town. Then, just like you I remembered being in Rome, now talk about old! 😀
Hey Colleen,
Thank you so much for including my post in your Friday round-up! I can’t wait to check out the other posts (I’ve already read Type-A Minimalist’s post you have lined above. It was great!).
Hi Jenny,
As usual it is my please and I should be the one thanking you. It can be a real challenge trying to find the time to read enough blogs to find five I really like but you often have something good that is appropriate for my blog and my readers.
hey, thanks for sharing the link love. the unexpected byproduct of my trying to be more minimalist is that I no longer really enjoy cruising the antique shops. I’ve browsed and reminisced in antique shops on every day trip for the last couple of years, and now that I don’t want to bring ANYTHING home, the joy has gone out of it. I need to come up with some other activity than shopping when sightseeing in little towns!
Hi Dmarie,
antiques shops are like museums to me with no entry fee. I enjoy some great entertainment in them for an hour or so and then go home empty handed and I’m happy.
Yes Dmarie, I feel the same, so now I look out for the strange local produce these towns always seem to have – the bonus being you to get to eat it, so there is no residual clutter…
Good reading! Thanks as usual.
My pleasure Jo.