My favourite five comments has turned into ten this week.
There were so many great comments and so many new readers adding to the conversation that I just could not resist doubling my quota for the week. My choices this week may seem a little indulgent at times because there are a lot of lovely thank yous among them. But each thank you message comes with a unique story from the writer that I thought had a lot to add to the conversation.
This comment comes from Ann who despite the fact she has been laid up for months with an Achilles heal injury has not let that stop her from decluttering. She has tackled all those nasty little jobs like sorting photos and the file drawers etc that quite frankly I have been avoiding for some time.
Wendy left a heartwarming Comment about how she used the gently gently, slowly slowly approach to turn the clutter situation in her home around despite the all the set backs along the way. He husband Ian is a little cheeky but I am sure she can whip him into order. 😉
In this comment Robyn talks about her pledge to downsize and the joys of passing on some of her much loved items to people who she knows will appreciate them.
Inspired by the post Disassociation Part 2 ~ Obligation Clutter Marianna joined in to share with us some great advice that her grandmother once gave her in relation to gifts in this comment
I have always said that the comments form my readers are a great part of my blog which is why I choose my Favourite Five on Fridays. This was proved last week when Chelle came to Andréia’s rescue with this comment. I was a little busy and hadn’t seen Andréia’s request for some TLC when she was feeling discouraged.
Esther a new reader had some great decluttered children’s gifts ideas to share with us in this comment . Now if I can just find the time to add the to the guide.
Janine another new reader discovered my blog via one of the radio interview I did last week. She tells us her strategy to join the one thing a day decluttering trend in her comment.
Okgirl tells us how she replaces aspiration with donation in this comment. Sure sounds like a good trade off to me.
And last but not least this comment from Gisela tells us how 365lessthings is finally the answer she has been searching for when it comes to decluttering.
And here are my favourite five blog posts/web finds for this week.
I have to confess I was a little indulgent here as well by adding a couple of blogs by some lovely ladies who I met over the last week or so.
I particularly liked No. 3 on this list from Mark and Angel Hack Life ~ 20 things to stop doing to others
If you want to know where your money could be better spent than on recreational shopping, take a look at this post by Francesca of Tasmanian Minimalist ~ I am sorry to shock and upset you
The Change Blog ~ What’s motivating you the carrot or the stick. It would be interesting to know what is your carrot and/or your stick when it comes to decluttering.
I met a lovely young lady at a lunchion I attended last Friday who has recently started her own blog about cooking, baking and entertaining her name is Megann and her blog is called Meganns Kitchen. So if you like a good recipe go and take a look at what Megann has to offer.
Also last week I did a live interview on ABC Radio with a lovely lady called Sara Cottman she runs her own professional organising business and her web site is . She made me feel so comfortable during the show and she really knows her stuff. Anyone in the Sydney area who is thinking of hiring a professional organiser why not look Sara up, her business is call Heavenly Order.
Today’s Declutter Item
This was one of those eBay sales that didn’t go as well as I would have liked. I listed them with a starting price of $20 and they didn’t sell. Just for some perspective, skate shoes usually sell for not less than $120 in Australia. These shoes were second hand but barely used. Because they didn’t sell eBay offer a free re-list option so I opted for that and lowered the starting price to $10 and they sold for $12.00. It was hardly worth the effort but I don’t mind making an extra effort when selling something of my son’s. He is sensible with his money and every little bit counts.Â
Something I Am Grateful For Today
The sun was shining and the birds were singing and I found some time to do a little walking. The postage on the shoes above cost the exact amount I expected it to and now they are out of my house. I am also grateful that I am on a bit of an eBay roll at the moment, some successful and some not so much but either way it is helping things exit my house. I like progress especially when it means that things that I have been marking time on are now being decluttered. Some of them aspirational, and that is a monkey off my back for sure.
I just wanted to share with you, the wonderful feeling of a job well done. I have been working the mini missions, doing pretty good. I thought hmmm. “time for a garage sale”. The family joined in, working a bit here and there getting the garage staged and everything priced, we worked about 10 days each day after work. The sale was building up, literally. The signs were ready to go up, the Craigslist entry was up and we were already getting inquiries….then RAIN! No!!!!
What a blessing in disguise!
We ended up having another two weeks, so guess what? We had even more goodies in the sale. Last weekend was the sale, and although I didn’t sell it all. The leftovers were packed up, and taken to Goodwill. My garage has never been this roomy. My truck can actually be parked inside.
Just wanted to share, you keep me inspired.
Thanks 🙂
Well Carolyn, that is fantastic. Congratulations on a job well done. I hope you all made a heap of money with the sales. My kids used to love joining in on the garage sales and it always encouraged them to get rid of their old stuff if they new they could make a few bucks on it. Sending the remainder of the items to Goodwill was not only generous but smart, now they are all gone and you can start afresh. Is your mission to declutter continuing or are you done for now? Just remember your home will only stay decluttered with maintenance and by not bringing in any other useless stuff. One in one out is the best policy to stay ahead of clutter.
All this time you have been working on my mini missions and I didn’t even know you were there. I am glad you have come out from hiding to tell us about your efforts. I send to you a hearty welcome to 365 Less Things. Sharing your story here will inspire others to do the same so thank you for that.
I hope this won’t be the last I hear from you so stay in touch.
Regards Colleen
I do really think that the sale was a great jump on the entire process of getting things more in order, less of the clutter.
I am trying hard to live by the motto: “Love what you have and have what you love.” So the rest is easy, if we don’t love it, if it doesn’t work like it once did, fit like it once did….its a goner.
I have spent the days since the sale to gather some “new to go” items that will be going up on eBay this weekend.
Thanks again for making the mission to de-clutter our world a fun one….and for the hearty welcome!
I will check in with you sometime soon.
Take care,
Thanks Carolyn,
I will look forward to your future comments.
I only discovered 365LessThings very recently, and my long work hours and current bad health have prevented me from doing much “intentional†decluttering for now. However, I’ve managed to take some tiny baby steps in the right direction – not even 1 item a day but 4 items over 2 weeks that are now in my “next Vinnie’s load†pile rather than in my wardrobe.
Your blog has inspired me to stop and think whenever I handle an item of clothing. I now look at individual items and think “Do I really like wearing this? Does the colour and style suit me? Or am I just wearing it because I bought it and feel I should get some wear out of it? I have so many clothes, why not wear only things that make me feel good about myself (unless I’m gardening or cleaning)?†And as I finish reading a book, it is now put aside on an empty bookshelf awaiting recycling.
This kind of “opportunistic†decluttering not only makes me feel good but gives me confidence that the decluttering process is not going to be as difficult or painful as I feared. Thanks again for changing the way I think about and deal with my stuff!
Hi Gisela,
I am glad that you can see that decluttering doesn’t have to be a huge undertaking but can just be as simple as taking the opportunity to find items during your daily routine and set them aside to declutter. I am just so glad the that challenge to find a resolution to stick to for a year combined with the wish to declutter also helped me see the same thing nineteen months ago. I suppose you could say 365 Less Things was the result of a collision of ideas that just happened to be in the same place at the same time.