On Fridays at 365 Less Things I share with you my favourite comments from my wonderful readers and my favourite web finds of the week. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I did.
Favourite Comments. Enjoy!
Sabine reminds us of how removing clutter can make a space more tranquil in this comment.
Spendwisemom lives up to her title with this comment and I agree all the way.
Sabrina from Italy needs a little help with selling options in her City of Roma (Italy) if anyone out these is from the same area could you please give her some suggestions. Read her comment here.
I wanted to bring this comment for rds to your attention. It is a shame her thrift store wasn’t a bit more courteous in the process of accepting donations. I am going to write a post soon on donating to thrift stores so stay tuned. But please even if you have a bad experience don’t let it deter you for making these donations. The money really does go to a good cause even if sometimes the people on the front line don’t behave as they should.
Favourite Web Finds. Happy reading!
becomingminimalist.com ~ dont-just-declutter-de-own
Cindy sent me this link and it sure made me laugh. I’m sure you will enjoy it too. ~ www.smithsonianmag.com ~ The Hoarding Instinct
Here is a new blog from one of our readers Delona. Take a look and give her some encouragement. I love the title ~ Recovering Dabbler.
“The secret to overcoming clutter in in the mind, your mind to be precise.” That is the lead into this website’s content and never a truer word has been spoken. I chose the following post to share with you because I think they are on to something. www.mindoverclutter.com ~ Does the clutter drive you crazy enough
For my Australian readers I found this little gem when trying to find thrift stores in a certain area of Sydney for one of my readers http://opshop.org/search/ It is a valuable resource for anyone looking for a thrift store in their area.
Today’s Declutter Item
Here is one of those aspirational clutter items that I have to say I am glad to see the back of. It has been hiding in my book shelf for years and that is about how long it is since I last wrote in it. Most of the pages were still blank and I have no desire to fill them in. It went in the recycling bin.
Something I Am Grateful For Today
It’s the middle of Summer and a beautiful fine day and yet the temperature is only 25°c outside. I love this kind of weather.
Great comments, and now I’m off to check out the other links you’ve shared. Thanks!
Some great comments and some great links. I had to laugh at the one on The Hoarding Instinct.
Hey Colleen,
Thank you for the email/comment, but my birthday is actually in December. See it in a positive way: you’ve got the number right 😉
Hi Nurchamiel,
I did have my doubts but it seems I just put it in google calendar on the wrong month. Oh well I hope you had a happy birthday in December.
Cause (rather than good course) 😉
Of course, thank you Snosie. Ha Ha, see how I showed I actually do know the difference. You should see some of the bloopers I do manage to catch at times. I type away so fast that I often put in words that sound like what I meant but aren’t even close to correct. I amuse myself immensely some days.
There’s a whole (funny) site to when auto correct on phones steps in, called damn you auto correct. I often go there when i need a pick me up… And my oh my when I text I have trouble with the new keyboard and predictions! Made harder if the phone or my hands are a little wet too! It’s ok, we still love you!
Don’t even get me started on predictive text. That is always catching me out.
I’ve had similar experiences with (some) thriftstores, but it doesn’t turn me off of using their services at all. I always make a point to tell them “Thank you”, as in “Thank you for hauling away my crap for me!”
Good for you Faith, that’s what I like to here. I never used to get much of a reception either when dropping stuff off when my thrift store was in their old location. Like you I was just glad that they would take the stuff off my hands. I was a little miffed when I turned up one day and the shop was gone and no one had bothers to tell me they were moving. Oh well, I found them again and all is well.
The comment from Sabrina In Italy and the other ones are not showing up at all for me to read. Is it possible to get their blog names so I can look online at their blogs also.
thanks so much
Hi Kathy,
since you are showing up as a new reader I will assume you are and extend to you a very warm welcome to 365 Less Things. As for your problem find those links, we were having some technical difficulties yesterday but I believe it has all been restored to a fully functioning state now. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hi Colleen,
Well, I’ve finally found something that is helping me with my decluttering. Thank you so much for this site. There are many sites out there in “computerland” but none has ever helped me with …where on earth to START. I’ve got a reputation with friends and family to always have the very thing that might be needed!!! Generally, these are things which are minor, small, insignificant, other peoples junk which they might have tossed!!! But oh no, not Sue…someone might need it someday!!! I could save the day. Incidentally, it’s my 60th birthday today…it’s only taken 60 years to see the light. I have been part of your site for about two weeks now and I can relate to so much of what everyone has contributed. I’m making a list of all things disposed of…. 22 lines in the exercise book so far, and I can see a difference in the kitchen/dining room already….COME ON BOYS AND GIRLS…LET’S DO THIS !!!!!! Thanks Colleen
Hi SueD,
and a very warm welcome to 365 Less Things to you. It is funny how people find my blog and think ‘this is for me’. They like the idea of the simple, slow and easy approach and just the thought of that gets them up and going. In to time though they have declutter far more than they thought they would in such a short length of time. Psychology plays a big part in decluttering and the biggest part is to be shown how easy it can be. Once you believe it can be easy you end up achieving as much as you would if you did it the “hard way”. I love the one thing a day approach it nearly always ends up being 10 things a day but who’s counting.
Well done on what you have achieved already and I can tell from your comment that the adrenaline is flowing and you are already hooked on the thought of living more with less. Good for you! Make sure you keep us up to date with how you are going and you can always call on us if the going gets tough.
Thank you for the very interesting links this week. I especially enjoyed The Recovering Dabbler’s blog. She’s got an excellent start there.
I am sure she will appreciate you saying so Becky.