I would like to take this opportunity to send my thoughts and prayers to those affected by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami that hit Japan this afternoon. I also hope that the people in areas in the path of the tsunami have a chance to evacuate and avert further tragedy. My heart goes out to all those involved.
About Colleen Madsen
Colleen is the founder of 365 Less Things and lives in Newcastle, Australia.
Me too. Ik hope that the damage is more materialistic, than people.
But, there is also great news: three dutch soldiers who where trying to evacuate two civilans from Libia and were captured doing so, were released yesterday evening! And, I finally found my way to the thriftstore.
Hi Nurchamiel,
thank you for adding your thoughts and prayers for the people of Japan.
Also great news about the dutch soldiers, being a military wife those kinds of events warm my heart.
Also good for you, one small step for man one giant leap for Nurchamiel. I hope you feel lighter and freer. 🙂
Jup! It feels so rewarding! And that lady at the thriftstore was so happy! I keep on going, hoping I’ll have most of my clutter gone by the summer.
My husband is in Tokyo! He emailed last night to say “Yes, very large earthquake. I was on the 32nd floor and the building is on wheels and was strongly rocking for over 5 minutes. We then evacuated the building through the stairs. Lots of after shocks. I am now back at the hotel having tea, we can’t go back to our rooms yet. I am fine do not worry.” Then again later on “Because I was so high up it was the strongest earthquake I have ever experienced. Each office is equipped with hard hats so I was walking around with one the whole time. It was a little scary but everyone remained calm. The after shocks are the most troubling because you don’t know if it is going to turn into another large quake. ” He and I were here in San Francisco for the big 1989 one but this one really takes the cake. Don’t know if he’ll be returning home tomorrow as planned. He had also happened to be in Washington DC on 9/11 and couldn’t get home for days.
Wow Eve, you must have been so worried. I am glad he is OK! I guess his return home may be delayed, things are going to be a bit chaotic over there for a while. He certainly knows how to choose his destinations and timing.
I haven’t seen the news yet this morning and I am not sure I want to see the numbers of people missing or dead. I imagine it won’t will be bad.
Husband on his way home now, detoured through Beijing. So glad. The waiting is the hardest part.
Hi Eve,
I am glad especially now that the nuclear power plants are in trouble.
I’ll second (or third or fourth?) those thoughts, Colleen. This was a huge quake and the after effects will be enormous too. It’s eerie to watch the television footage.
Hi Jo,
mother nature is sure letting us know who is really in control this year. So far I am hearing that the death and missing toll is at about 1000. That is not good but I was afraid it would be a whole lot worse than that. Thank goodness the tsunami has not done any terrible damage to other countries in its path.
Me too. Ik hope that the damage is more materialistic, than people.
But, there is also great news: three dutch soldiers who where trying to evacuate two civilans from Libia and were captured doing so, were released yesterday evening! And, I finally found my way to the thriftstore.
Hi Nurchamiel,
thank you for adding your thoughts and prayers for the people of Japan.
Also great news about the dutch soldiers, being a military wife those kinds of events warm my heart.
Also good for you, one small step for man one giant leap for Nurchamiel. I hope you feel lighter and freer. 🙂
Jup! It feels so rewarding! And that lady at the thriftstore was so happy! I keep on going, hoping I’ll have most of my clutter gone by the summer.
My husband is in Tokyo! He emailed last night to say “Yes, very large earthquake. I was on the 32nd floor and the building is on wheels and was strongly rocking for over 5 minutes. We then evacuated the building through the stairs. Lots of after shocks. I am now back at the hotel having tea, we can’t go back to our rooms yet. I am fine do not worry.” Then again later on “Because I was so high up it was the strongest earthquake I have ever experienced. Each office is equipped with hard hats so I was walking around with one the whole time. It was a little scary but everyone remained calm. The after shocks are the most troubling because you don’t know if it is going to turn into another large quake. ” He and I were here in San Francisco for the big 1989 one but this one really takes the cake. Don’t know if he’ll be returning home tomorrow as planned. He had also happened to be in Washington DC on 9/11 and couldn’t get home for days.
Wow Eve, you must have been so worried. I am glad he is OK! I guess his return home may be delayed, things are going to be a bit chaotic over there for a while. He certainly knows how to choose his destinations and timing.
I haven’t seen the news yet this morning and I am not sure I want to see the numbers of people missing or dead. I imagine it won’t will be bad.
Husband on his way home now, detoured through Beijing. So glad. The waiting is the hardest part.
Hi Eve,
I am glad especially now that the nuclear power plants are in trouble.
I’ll second (or third or fourth?) those thoughts, Colleen. This was a huge quake and the after effects will be enormous too. It’s eerie to watch the television footage.
Hi Jo,
mother nature is sure letting us know who is really in control this year. So far I am hearing that the death and missing toll is at about 1000. That is not good but I was afraid it would be a whole lot worse than that. Thank goodness the tsunami has not done any terrible damage to other countries in its path.