Declutter, and don’t replace, some kind of food item you probably shouldn’t be eating on a regular basis. Reserve indulging in such items dividually as a special treat rather than have them on demand in your home.

About Colleen Madsen
Colleen is the founder of 365 Less Things and lives in Newcastle, Australia.
This is a very good idea!!! I really need to do this. I think we have had lots of celebrations of late and there is still a lot of left over chocolate and treats – which should not be so readily available!!
I’m working on this right now. I have several things I need to stop bringing in the house. When they are gone they won’t come in again. They are simple things and not really bad but I want to eat too much of them.
My husband does all the food shopping and food prep. He always keeps a box of taco shells, which I don’t eat. We have been having tortillas several times a week, however. Last night I asked him to either use up or chuck the taco shells and keep only the tortillas. He said he will. Time will tell whether he remembers not to buy taco shells again. I have been nagging him for awhile to stop buying so much food! It not only clutters the cabinets, it clutters the fridge. I open the door for a snack and “give up” because I get overwhelmed looking at all the food! I keep telling him this and he agrees… but remembering when he shops is another story 🙁