Declutter something that is metallic, either in colour or construction. It shouldn’t be too hard to spot such items at a quick glance and then all you have to do is decide whether you wish to declutter them or not. The kitchen drawers might be a good place to start.

About Colleen Madsen
Colleen is the founder of 365 Less Things and lives in Newcastle, Australia.
Hum! I’m stuck on this one. I’m not sure I have anything right now to declutter that is metallic.
Deb, you are SOOOooooooo decluttered now!!! You put us all to shame!!! Happy for you!
Brenda, we are all at different point in the decluttering game. Don’t feel put to shame. My parents weren’t hoarders just keepers. I grew up a declutterer because I couldn’t stand all the stuff even though neatly put away. Thag made it easier for me.
I am decluttering a knife, a wire cup and saucer display rack , and one of my pretty aluminum compotes with lid, among other things.
I decluttered a stained glass cross that is fashioned with metal framework.
I decluttered a large, oval, gold-coloured basket and a bunch of metal s-hooks.
I trashed 5 computer DVDs
Good reminder Pat…I still have a stack of old CD’s/DVD’s from work. I went through them a few years ago and trashed a stack, but I’m guessing I’d be willing to part with more now.
Since I used the DVDs for the previous one I had to work at this one!
Found a 3 ring binder full of Tupperware party ideas. The 3 rings are metallic. Going to a friend of a friend who recently became a Tupperware consultant. Hopefully some of these will be new to her.
DVD’s, great idea! We are moving in 3 months & I’m packing up things we can live without for the time being. There are 2 big baskets full of DVD’s so I will go through them all & pack some & put the rest in the donation pile.
I’m decluttering an old hose spray nozzle that we found buried in the yard. A friend found it with his metal detector while looking for my DH’s missing wedding ring. I have no idea why we kept the spray nozzle – it leaks! BTW, we found the wedding ring while planting tomatoes several months later.
I am getting up my nerve to visit the coin dealer tomorrow to sell our coin collection. It was sat in the out pile for years!
Pat, you’re really on a roll…encouraging!!
My plan is to add items to any of the past 5 days of Colleens’ postings. I will list amount item and location – a habit from the past 2 years of the Declutter game!
Thanks Deanna – with my son away at college I have more free time.
3 aluminum foil cookie trays back to my mother – she is the baker not me
6 CD’s with cases from closet.