Mini Mission Monday is about finding ten minutes a day to declutter. To make it easy for you, each Monday I set seven declutter missions, one for each day of the week for you to follow. It takes the guess work out of decluttering and makes it easy and “fun” for you to achieve some quick decluttering.
This week we are going to do Quick Look mini missions. That is each day we are going to walk into a different room in the house take a quick look, spy a piece of clutter and remove it to either the bin, the recycling, the donation pile or set aside to sell. While you are at it if you spy something out of place also rehouse that item. If you can’t see anything on the surface, so to speak, look a little deeper in a cupboard or closet. This is pretty much how I declutter all the time.
Monday – The kitchen
Tuesday – The living room, lounge room or whatever you call it in your part of the world.
Wednesday – The master bedroom.
Thursday – The bathroom.
Friday – The garage.
Saturday – The dining space in your home.
Sunday – The den/office or another bedroom.
Once you have accomplished this weeks mini mission you will realise how easy decluttering can be. It doesn’t have to be a major upheaval just a quick look, swoop and achieve.
Good luck and happy decluttering
Today’s Declutter Item
I took a quick look in my bookcase and decided we have no need for these bookends because we own so few books these days. I will take them to the thrift shop so my friend and co-worker Lori can use them in the book display shelves.
its monday again. this week is what I did last week. I decluttered spoons that I never use, I found a facial mask that was out of date in the bathroom, I sold books via amazon last week (yay me), and then I started a round of natural decluttering on my knickers.
and the best thing: I decluttered so many CD’s (I think I am down to a third of what I had before) that I could rearrange my shelf and place all the desk items I need daily right in there. That means that on my desk is now my lamp, a mug with pens, my computer and the book I am reading. I really hope I can keep it that way, it makes working really easy somehow.
I dont know if it is the daily decluttering, or if I just hit a change in perspective, but I can see and feel the difference in my home now big time. SPACE is such a fantastic thing…
Way to go Lena π π π
S Sort
P Purge
A Allocate
C Containerize
E Equalise
You have done it all ! Now enjoy your day π π π
thanks dizzy, how true your SPACE concept is π
I enjoy my super empty desk from now on. its beautiful
I don’t have a Friday, Saturday or Sunday location so this week should be a breeze for me! Hahahaha.
Monday Γ’β¬β I see a candle that is really near the end of its life. I’ll burn it one more time tomorrow and toss it.
Tuesday Γ’β¬β I will declutter an angel statue that I’ve been thinking about donating off and on for years.
Wednesday Γ’β¬β I think I will find homes for two of my porcelain dolls from when I was a child. I’ll keep my favorite (a brunette in purple) for Liv to play with and remind myself I don’t mind when she’s in pieces someday! =P
Thursday Γ’β¬β I’m finishing off a bottle of shampoo and tube of toothpaste in the next day or so!
Hi Colleen and all the 365ers! First time commenter – been lurking a while and just recently started going through the archives. I’m finding loads of inspiration and the philosophies of yourself, the other commenters and those of the linked websites are so in tune with where I am right now and where I want to be heading. Kitchen item – a cute but cracked plastice bowl gone! I’ll be baaaaaack!
Hi Kay and welcome to 365 Less Things. I am glad that you are finding my blog useful and it is in tune with where you are at personally. It is nice to keep company with like minded people even if it is only in cyber space. I am looking forward to doing some more kitchen decluttering myself when I return home from vacation.
I’m in challenge mood these days, so I made a list of each furniture (or space that holds stuff) in my apartment and am working my way through each of them. Last week I completed the kitchen and the bathroom. I am now in the living room (already conquered board games, books, paper crafts, dishes and the side table, at the moment I’m at the sewing supplies).
Seeing that there is still the bedroom, the “laundry/storage room” and the hallway to go, I think, I’m about half-way through.
It’s fun. π
way to go, Sanna. If I wouldnt be busy with my thesis, I would start something similar…
Thanks, Lena.
I even sold some sewing supplies today! π
selling is the best part! yay
π I even made more money selling the stuff than I spent on it in the first place.
Just to keep myself in hot water, I’ve taken on the task of cleaning, organizing and decluttering our Seniors’ Centre. A former church that was bought by the Seniors 35 years ago, it is full of bits and pieces that have been found, donated or just left behind, most of which no-one uses or maybe even knows what it is, but can’t throw out for fear of offending someone. Well, my recycle bin and garbage have been filled lately (I bring everything home to dispose of so it can’t be ‘rescued’). I’m expecting exclamations of “when did we get an electric piano?” – answer 1988, but it’s been buried under stuff at the back of the storeroom). If you don’t hear from me again, you know I’ve been lynched!
Or buried in an avalanche!
More likely eaten alive by dust mites…
You really are hooked Wendy! Is that how you get your decluttering fix when RD won’t part with anything? I am sure the folks at the Seniors Center will be very grateful you are doing the deed they weren’t prepared to do.
Kitchen – over-bought a few items for Easter. Returned them to the grocery store no questions asked!
Living room – sold off the remaining 2 yoga Dvd’s I’ve never even opened up – still had the shrink wrap on them.
Master bedroom – unloading some more clothing to sell on Ebay.
Bathroom – just finished up the last of the travel size shampoo’s.
Garage – husband amassed a small pile of odd tools to sell on eBay.
Dining space – is actually where the parrot cages are. So I donated a too big unused bird toy to a Military Macaw I know.
Oops forgot about the office – scanned a few odd file folders (4) into PDF’s & then ditched the file folders.
Well done Jane, good for you!
I’m going to do this all week and report back at the end. I can’t wait to report it all.
Hi Deb J,
it is amazing how much still is hiding right underneath our noses sometimes. In some cases also, we knew it was there but weren’t ready yet to declutter it. I hope I spot your comment when you come back to list what “Quick look” decluttering you have managed to do this week.
I need the Mini-mission Week that looks like this:
Monday – The basement
Tuesday – The basement
Wednesday – The basement
etc. ad infinitum
But we’re working on it. At least the main floor of the house is clutter-free to the point we fool everyone. Only the few souls who are allowed to venture downstairs know the ugly truth.
Oh well Wendy they are probably only the best of your friends and they will understand. One thing at a time mate, one thing at a time.
Just found your blog and I love it. I’m just starting to learn about minimalism. So far this week I sold 51 items of clothing my kids have outgrown to a kids resale shop. The rest will go in the massive garage sale pile, which is currently taking up a quarter of the living room. Also going to try to offload a second refrigerator and a car. (We got a new car a few months ago and haven’t sold the old one yet.)
Hi Kantice and welcome to 365 Less Things. I am glad you are enjoying what you are reading here. It sounds like you are doing a great job of decluttering and I hope your garage sale goes well when you are ready to have it.
I hadn’t even heard about minimalism before I began my original declutter challenge of decluttering a thing a day back st the start of 2010. I still wouldn’t call myself a minimalist but I am getting closer to it all the time.
Found your site today through an email from Beth Dargis and think this is just the place for me. I am TRYING to declutter my house but working fulltime with health issues gives me excuses not to do it. So, love the premise of 365 less and want to try your method. My husband is much neater than me and is always complaining that I have too much stuff. Looking forward to trying it your way.
Hi Maggie,
Welcome to 365 Less Things and please thank Beth for sending you to us. Decluttering the easy way was why I came up with the idea of getting rid on one thing a day way back in 2010. Like your I didn’t want it to be an unpleasant experience or hard work and it has been neither doing it this way. Just arrange your departure points and have at it. In no time you will probably be so enthusiastic you will be doing mor ethan one thing a day.