Declutter an item that served you well for sometime but that you rarely if ever use anymore.
Perhaps this item has been replaced by a better model. Perhaps it just no longer suits your needs.
About Colleen Madsen
Colleen is the founder of 365 Less Things and lives in Newcastle, Australia.
Deb Jsays
This one is hard Colleen. I have a couple of things I seldom use but am not sure if I should declutter them yet. One is an immersion blender and the other a cleaning tool. I need to think this over. Hum!!!!
Right now I’m experimenting with the removal of 2 tall bar stools that I used to put lamps on. I’m trying the lamps on the tv stand for a week. As the experiment works out I will either give the bar stools to Habitat for humanity or use them to put lamps on again. I find the less cluttered my house is that experimenting first is the way to go for me.
This one is hard Colleen. I have a couple of things I seldom use but am not sure if I should declutter them yet. One is an immersion blender and the other a cleaning tool. I need to think this over. Hum!!!!
Right now I’m experimenting with the removal of 2 tall bar stools that I used to put lamps on. I’m trying the lamps on the tv stand for a week. As the experiment works out I will either give the bar stools to Habitat for humanity or use them to put lamps on again. I find the less cluttered my house is that experimenting first is the way to go for me.
This sounds like me getting rid of half a dozen handbags ! I just did and freed a much needed space.