Declutter some scraps of something, maybe timber, paper or fabric, that you set aside to use up one day but have never gotten around to it. Perhaps you can find someone with a similar arts/craft interest that might like to take these items off your hands.

About Colleen Madsen
Colleen is the founder of 365 Less Things and lives in Newcastle, Australia.
I gave a friend a pair of (worn through and unmendable) jeans. She wants to make a denim quilt (there is plenty of non-threadbare parts to cut squares from) and I was just holding them as scrap material.
Managed to give away a few pairs of still wearable but uncomfortable jeans to another friend who came to dinner at the same time. Felt good since I haven’t gotten stuff out of the house for a while–making a pile, but I like to see it leaving. Feels more like progress!
When I sent a care package to our married daughter last time, I included fabric leftover from when the seamstress made 2 t-shirts for me. I wrote a note saying that she could use, pass along, or toss.
The package before that, I included a laptop fan the repair guy replaced, saying that it wasn’t working optimally. I wrote a note saying to my son in law that he could use (he likes to tinker with mechanical / electronic stuff) or toss.
Those packages got 3 items out of my house without obligating the recipients to keep them 🙂