Declutter by recycling some items. That mound ofused takeout containers, old newspapers and magazines, paperwork that needs shredding, glass jars you set aside in case you have a use for them but never have…

About Colleen Madsen
Colleen is the founder of 365 Less Things and lives in Newcastle, Australia.
Haven’t commented for a few days. I have been gradually decluttering things as I have time. My latest is 14 sheets of black chipboard, 23 sheets of lightweight cardboard (that comes with shipped scrapbook paper), two fixtures from the bathroom that I finally got off the wall, 2 jigsaw puzzles and 10 Logic Puzzle books (a Christmas gift I’ve had for a while),’ 2 blouses, a towel, and a few other odd things. I’m working on finding a home for the TV, tv stand and Roku. Ah! Feels good to have it all gone.
Wow! I can’t believe what a great job of decluttering you have done over the years!
Very inspiring
Thanks Calla. I try to keep on top of things but sometimes you just can’t.
Every year I go through my checkbooks and put check & withdrawal amounts in an expense spreadsheet… to document where all our money goes! In the process, I discovered a bunch of old paid bills that I can shred & compost. They will go into my “shred box” until “shred day” but at least they won’t be in the file drawers making my files bulky. 🙂 This also declutters a chore 🙂
I have a pile for donation tomorrow. The youngest has had a growth spurt and has outgrown several articles of clothing. Also have a plastic bin that used to contain wrapping supplies. The wrapping supplies have dwindled to the point where they can be stored with the holiday decorations. A yoga mat that is still in good shape, but too slippery for the kind I practice is also going.