Declutter an electronic device that you no longer use. Maybe that iPad or laptop you upgraded a long time ago. Old cell phones can usually be donated at your local office supplies store. Or maybe you have a Kindle or the like that you bought but prefer the feel of a real book and it has been sitting idle for ages.

About Colleen Madsen
Colleen is the founder of 365 Less Things and lives in Newcastle, Australia.
Did that quite a while ago. Nothing to get rid of now. Will have to think of something else.
As soon as Thanksgiving visitors are gone I have a stack of electronic stuff set aside to sell. Also found someone on craigslist that takes computer parts, broken or not. Gave him a stack of misc stuff last week, keeping his email for when we sort more out.
VHS player will go.
While moving TV today to set up Christmas tree took the time to undo cables from unused devices.