Free up some space by returning something to its owner. Especially if it is something your kids left behind when they left home years ago. If they don’t want it donate,sell or recycle it, with their permission of course.

About Colleen Madsen
Colleen is the founder of 365 Less Things and lives in Newcastle, Australia.
I wish my Mom would do this. She has an attachment to this dining table and 4 chairs that really take up a lot of room in her apartment. I think she should keep the table (it is round but has leaves that drop down) but get rid of the 4 chairs because she really doesn’t need but 2 chairs.
I returned a DVD I borrowed from a friend a few weeks ago.
Good mission to remind us to return what we borrowed.
I’m so glad I found this! I managed to return a recipe book my boss loaned to me, and I used 3 years ago for my sisters high tea!!! I have since bought myself a copy because it is an excellent recipe book – and I don’t keep many since you can google anything these days… so even more reason to return it. I intended on baking something for her when I returned it – which was what was holding me back. I did it once and then she was not at work for a week… so I was going to bake her something fresh and never remember. Thank you. I am feeling so motivated since finding you!