With all the world’s tragedies weighing heavily on me lately, I’ve been doing my best to seek out as much positivity as possible.
I’ve had an amazing summer volunteering, and so far my only regret is that there isn’t enough time to do more. There are some truly unique and life-changing community volunteer opportunities that many don’t know about — and there are countless rewards for donating our time! So I decided to create my own positivity by spreading the word:
Find (or Create) Your Ideal Volunteer Opportunity
How to Volunteer with Your Kids
Your Go-To Guide for Volunteering with Seniors: Offering Time, Talents, and Good Conversation
The Community Advocate’s Guide to Feeding the Hungry
Volunteering as a College Student: How Helping Others Helps You
50 Community Service Ideas for Teen Volunteers
Volunteering While Coping with Recovery: 12 Ways to be Active in Your Community
The Health Benefits of Volunteering
I hope you’ll consider sharing these with your audience. I’ve had such a rewarding experience that I’d love to help others do the same!
Hi Jennifer,
I’m going to take credit for an effort I made in the past… that I consider “volunteer”… Sometimes these efforts are not “recognized” because they aren’t part of an organization… but all the same they take effort 🙂 I used to have an elderly neighbor who didn’t have any children. His other relatives lived far enough away that they couldn’t make an effort to see him regularly. I went over for at least an hour almost every Saturday for years, just to keep him company. He has since passed, so I am on to my next and current “volunteer” activity…
Our grandkids live with us most of the time (the times they aren’t with their dad they are with us – so we have them most evenings through the following morning)… We help with their meals and bottles (they are toddlers) and changing clothes or diapers or giving them baths or setting up the wading pool and keeping their laundry done… It keeps us quite busy at times 🙂 We do not “babysit” because our daughter (their mother) is here too… but she is in nursing school, so she is quite busy herself 🙂
Nice Peggy!
Jennifer, all I can say is God Bless People Who Volunteer!!!! I’ve always had great admiration for them. My Mother told me when I was young that the reason I didnt want children was because I was selfish with my time. Ha!!! At the time, I thought that was a little harsh, but as I got older I realized it was a Mother’s wisdom and knowing me all too well.
That confession made (as to my selfishness), I will say that dogs are my passion, and there’s no telling how many strays I have taken in over the years. (one year alone, it was 13, and I found homes for the ones I didn’t keep. Currently have three.). Being an introvert, and usually broke at that, if I had to dress and go out it would have to be to a paying job. : ). But, in my defense, my little home ministry is sending endless amounts of cards and letters, especially to the old and infirm. I also took a lot of food for a couple years to an elderly aunt who lived alone.
It seems anymore I can hardly keep up with daily chores anyway, and what I volunteer to do will have to be from home. I am so thankful there are people like you who can and WILL do it!
Giving what you can in time when you aren’t rich is far more generous that giving money when you are rich. So well done you Brenda.
Thank you, Colleen!
Great post. Volunteering brings so many positive benefits to your life. Honestly most of the time I think I am feel blessed by volunteering, then the people I am “serving” do.
Nicole, I’m hoping you and Pat and Colleen will find this. I just sent the following message to Colleen.
“Hi Colleen, there’s no place for me to post my decluttered item for today after Nicole’s post from today. There’s no “Reply” and no window to reply in. Also, there are no new comments after that. Help!
Thanks, Deanna”
Hi Deanna, I can see your message. I will check the post. I am assuming you mean the decluttering with friends one.
Hi deanna, I took a look and where I used to be able to set the comment limit I don’t seem to have that function any more. I’ll ask my husband tonight and if Word Press have set their own limit and we have gone beyond that I will go in a delete some older comments to make room. So long as you are all OK with that.
Hi, Colleen. I have no idea whether this can be done, but I’d just like to ask if it would be possible to re-post the “Declutter with friends” post (as a Part 2, of sorts) and then we can continue to play/comment as if it’s a new post?
I really appreciate everything you and your husband have done, with regard to keeping the game going for so long – thank you!
Colleen, thanks! I think this idea of Nicole’s is a great solution.
Colleen, thanks! I think this idea of Nicole’s is a great solution. I’ll watch for your decision.
Sounds like a good idea to me too Nicole. I’ll take care of that now.
Thank you, Colleen!
Thanks for the alert, Deanna.