Mini Mission Monday is about finding ten minutes a day to declutter. To make it easy for you, each Monday I set seven declutter missions, one for each day of the week for you to follow. It takes the guess work out of decluttering and makes it easy and “fun” for you to achieve some quick decluttering.
These days I nearly always sit on my bed to write my blog posts. I really like it in my bedroom. I like it’s contrast of white and dark, I like the art on the walls and I like my comfiness of my bed with its fluffy blanket and no duvet. But there are still things in this room that make it a little full for my liking. Todays missions will reflect that and maybe they will help you to make your bedroom a more serene place to relax.
Monday – Declutter excess bedding items.
Tuesday – Declutter a décor item that is collecting dust. That might be a rarely used lamp, things on your dressing table or perhaps an old teddy on a chair.
Wednesday – Declutter a piece of furniture that is weighing the room down. I have two tub chairs in my bedroom and that is one too many. It is about time I discussed this with my husband I think.
Thursday – Declutter some clothing items if they are too tightly packed into your closet or drawers.
Friday – Declutter unnecessary items in or on your bedside tables if you have them.
Saturday – Declutter anything cluttering up under your bed or in the bottom of your wardrobe.
Sunday - Sunday is reserved for contemplating one particular item, of your choice that is proving difficult for you to declutter. Whether that be for sentimental reasons, practical reasons, because the task is laborious or simply unpleasant, or because the items removal requires the cooperation of another person. That last category may mean that the item belongs to someone else who has to give their approval, it could also mean there is a joint decision to be made or it could mean that the task of removing it requires assistance from someone else. There is no need to act on this contemplation immediately, it is more about formulating a plan to act upon or simply making a decision one way or another.
Good luck and happy decluttering
Eco Tip for the Day
Don’t use throw away cleaning wipes. They have them for cleaning wood, kitchen spills, television screens, make-up removal etc etc. They are usually made from manmade fibres, soaked in chemicals and sold in plastic containers, all of which are bad for the environment. You can do all these jobs with a little water and a microfibre cloth that can be washed and used over and over again.
It matters not how fast I go, I hurry faster when I’m slow
Hi, Colleen. I really like this set of missions. We have the absolute minimum in ours. Nobody should have to sleep or relax surrounded by clutter.
Good for you Nicole.
“Declutter a décor item that is collection dust” – do you mean collecting?
So, I’ve been grouping my possessions into 3 categories – 1. Going to New Zealand with me. 2. Clutter. 3. Clutter mum won’t permit me to get rid of (and thus she can have when I go to NZ if she wants it that bad…) I roughly counted everything in category 1, in other words everything I care to own. I can’t give an exact number yet, but a rough count… it looks like it’ll wind up under a hundred items (with grouping for sanity’s sake – I count my pencil case as one, not every single stationery item within it). I knew I’d become pretty extremely minimalist, but I had no idea it’d gone that far…
100 items might be low for some stages of life, but I think it’s ideal for someone young who’s moving to another country. Your belongings will probably fit in a few suitcases and you won’t have to worry about shipping or storing a large volume of stuff.
Looking at one suitcase and one carry-on case. The 100 also includes some things that are on a “Buy when I get there” list, such as a saucepan and whatnot, that depending on where I stay I may or may not need. My total when I leave will probably total about 70ish, at least that’s the way it’s looking.
Oh, also? Thank you very, very much. I’ve read other sites, but this is the one that really gave me inspiration. I’m reading back through the archives (got back to June 2012), and I couldn’t have got to where I am (which is a really happy place) without you. And the comments, which usually strike lots of inspiration, but I don’t have time to thank everyone who’s ever commented individually 😉
I am sure everyone who comments will read this and know you are talking to them. You are as much inspiration as everyone else with your comments. That is the beauty of what 365 has become. It is so much about the great community that has sprung up around it. I therefore say thank you all myself.
Regarding the packing. I was talking to a friend about my trip to Berlin and she asked would I be taking suitcases this time since I am staying so long. The answer of course was no, three weeks, three months it is all the same to me. If I need anything else I will purchase it over there. In fact my winter wardrobe needs some updating, many of the staple items have seen better days and need replacing. Instead of doing that before I leave I will take them with me and change them out over there. That may be for items more suitable to the climate at the time but it will mean that I should still end up with no more in my bag coming home. I have already been checking out to see if there are thrift shops in Berlin and it seems there are no shortage of them.
Thanks NÃriel, I have fixed that mistake.
Ha ha, I didn’t do anything to You NÃriel, you did it all yourself. 😉 You just came here looking for someone to agree with what it was you wanted to do all along. This kind of reminds me of reading parenting books when I was young. I wasn’t looking for advice I was just trying to find examples to prove I was doing OK. Read enough and you will eventually find enough precedences to justify what you feel is the right thing for you.
But… what happened to the two bedrooms piled high with stuff a year ago?? I’m proud of myself, and somewhat startled at the same time…
And you should be proud of yourself, and I am proud of you too. Sometimes just the right solution presents itself and wham your mind changes in an instant. That is what happened to me when I was watching that morning show and was thought “What can I do for a New Years resolution that I can succeed at to beat the odds of giving up as they were suggesting 90% do within the first three days.” In an instant the idea to tackle the decluttering, I knew I wanted to do, without it feeling laborious. It was a stroke of genius for me, one that hadn’t occurred to me until that instant. What was meant to be a challenge to prove a point because a simple solution to another problem. I guess that is what happened when you arrived here at 365 Less Things. All at once the task seemed doable. Not to mention the wonderful support form the 365 community. With that you never feel like you are going alone.
And I’m *still* finding odd items to remove from the pile, believe it or not.
I am attempting to declutter my night stand….
Hi Lorena, a few of the other readers stated recently that they didn’t have nightstands. I do and I use it so I dare say it will stay. But everyone has different needs, just go with what works for you. With that said, I know I could live without mine but it isn’t a competition as to who can live with the least. It is a personal journey of what in our lives is of no value to us.
Good ideas Colleen, I know I can find things in each category. We have a fairly large amoire in the bedroom which houses a TV which we bought in 1987! Our first color television! Trouble is, we never watch TV in there, the last time was when the Sydney Olympics were on and one of my sons wanted to lie on the bed to watch the events. It is time for it all to go, the TV, the vinyl records which also live in there, the ancient stereo equipment which we don’t use because it needs a voltage transformer, the entire armoire. I am in the process of finding out how to dispose of all these items properly and then they are out of here.
Hi Christine, I used to have the same when we lived in America. I vowed I would never have a TV in my bedroom again. Mind you, that bedroom in America comfortably fit the armoire, two desks, two tub chairs a queen bed and a side table with room to spare. I have to say I did like all that space around me but I don’t miss having and office and a television in my bedroom. The room I have now is just right.
Colleen, these are good. When mom and I both get over this stuff we have Mom has some plans for getting rid of some things. I’m excited. I will use these then to help her get motivated.
Hi Deb, I hope you do get well soon. I am feeling pretty ordinary myself today. I am having a colonoscopy at 2pm today and yesterday, prior to the unpleasant prep for it, I go what feels like a sinus headache. The headache just won’t go away. So the sooner 2 o’clock gets here the happier I will be. In the meantime I don’t feel like doing anything more than enough to keep my mind of the misery without making the headache worse. I might right tomorrows blog post now that I have answered all the comments.
I hope your mum get quite carried away with herself and lets go of lots of stuff. My mum has her heart set on moving to a smaller place but since my dad has been sick he isn’t keen to move right now. I wish that, instead of feeling sorry for herself that he isn’t cooperating, that she would just work on declutter the stuff that won’t be able to go with them. It would give her something to focus on rather than the bigger goal. Unfortunately, like you and your mom, she is not very well herself right now so isn’t up to doing much at all. I hope you/we all feel better soon.
Another great week of mini missions. My bedroom is finally clutter free after years of working on decluttering the house. Yay! I only have one set of sheets, one blanket & one quilt. It took me awhile to get to this point & a daily commitment to keep it that way.
I have other places to get my item a day from! It’s a never ending process & I’m so thankful for Colleen & community to keep me motivated.
Good luck working on those other places Calla.
Hello everyone,
We have a big OLD TV which I hardly ever watch… I would like to get rid of it… BUT that would provide the excuse for my husband to get an (expensive) flat screen. As long as I have my husband I will also have a TV (sigh) but at least it’s not in the bedroom… I have an armoire in my bedroom, but I don’t mind having it. It’s of modest dimensions, painted to “go” with my room, and holds all my shoes plus my work & gardening outfits. I have some winter bedding on the top of it that I need to put away in the closet though 🙂 I have a large night table which I also like. It holds my laptop, some external drives and exercise equipment (in fabric cubes), Kleenex, and my watch. A small cabinet with drawers on the other side of the bed holds my iPhone charge cord (I plug it in there), scarves, jewelry, & extra eyeglasses. The only areas of my bedroom that are distressing me are under the bed and the bureau top. There are some decisions that I need to make about that stuff, and some use it up challenges going on as well 🙂
Hi Peggy, that list of stuff in your bedroom, that you were happy to have there, made be feel far less than relaxed, especially the exercise and computer equipment and the cell phone. I keep all my electronic equipment in the living room. I do use my computer in my bedroom at times but never at night. Not sure why but probably because it isn’t conducive to a good night sleep. Although I don’t suppose it makes much difference where I use it at night, but it still isn’t moving to my bedroom.
Hi Colleen,
I totally understand your comment… However, we have a 2 1/2 year old and a 15 month old living in our house for the foreseeable future… So, I can’t put things where I would rather LOL… We used to have all our electronic stuff (TV, laptop, etc) in the Family Room… Alas, that is where our daughter (mother of our grandchildren) and the kids live for now. Our younger daughter is here also, in her own room. My husband and I have discussed having an “Electronics Room” again if ever someone moves out because I agree with you that the bedroom isn’t the best place for my laptop. There isn’t much exercise equipment, just a massage ball, tennis ball, TheraBand and a 2 lb weight. These are to keep me and my wrists in condition so I can do massage. They are all small items, completely hidden in the fabric cube. I don’t have a treadmill or anything of that size – I figure my job keeps me fairly fit by itself 🙂
In the two bedroom home I grew up in, I shared a bedroom and a 4 foot wide closet. No room for clutter. My parent’s eventually added an upstairs and I did have my own room for about 5 years. It is amazing how you can learn to live with less when you have little space.
I dropped the “master” bedroom phrase many moons ago, opting for “our bedroom”. Call me crazy, but I have always felt that term was rather demeaning to the wife. I read an article recently that in Canada, they are now calling the “master” bedroom the “primary bedroom”.
Haha! Over here, they call it “parents’ bedroom” – or just “bedroom” (as opposed to “children’s room” or “guest room”)
Kimberley – I call it ‘our room’ too. Its probably because our first house was very small and it seemed a pretentious for such a small room :-).
Hi Kimberley, I don’t usually refer to it as the master bedroom either. Like you it is just our or parents’ bedroom. Although I had never made the connection to ‘master’ being a male term. I think of ‘master in this case as superior as in master cabinet maker or master builder.
However, you are right about the fact that it is interesting how we can manage with less when the situation arises. Or in my case ~ choose to do so.
Found something that in the bedside drawers that is up for consideration. When I was in High School I got a pen friend in Japan and she sent me a pack of post cards of her home city. Im not sure why they ended up in my drawers, but it occured to me today that Ive had them 25+ years and likely the ‘modern architecture of Ngagasaki’ (theme name on the pack) has been updated during that time, I probably havent looked at them in 10 years at least
Hi Moni, it is a wonder they haven’t been decluttered in the past. On the strength of this weeks missions I went through my bedside drawer. Lucky I did because I had put an envelope with $25 in there that I received for my birthday. I dashed off to my parents so soon after I must have forgotten I put it there.
Hi Colleen!
Due to major reconstruction over here (haha!), I’m not really sure what our “bedroom” stuff is… 😉 I will just have a look as I pack and/or unpack stuff.
That said, I got some new pyjamas a few weeks back and haven’t got rid of the old worn out ones yet! I think I found at least one definitely bedroom related item! 😀
Hi Sanna, well done under the circumstances.
Listed the house for sale this morning. I’ll have to check the listing to see how they refer to the ‘master’ or ‘primary’ bedroom. We just call it ‘the bedroom’ because the other two are used as office/craft/music rooms. We actually ADDED a decor item to our bedroom because we had none! But the clothing declutter was easy – the pair of sweat pants I ‘decorated’ while I was painting went out the door this morning.
By the way, when we decided to move “in two years” I set myself a goal of 730 items or groups of items to dispose of and I started keeping track. Keeping in mind that I’d been decluttering for 3 or 4 years already, I wasn’t sure how that would go. Well…..I hit 907 when I quit counting about a week ago, 7 months into the process. I think the total is actually closer to a billion because we really went at it this last week. The realtors where gobsmacked when I told them I needed 30 minutes notice for a showing and we could move out in two weeks if we got a good offer. Nothing like being motivated to stimulate the decluttering muscle !!!
Hi Wendy, well done Wendy. Having a real longterm goal can be very inspiring to move more clutter than you thought was ever likely. And when that goal becomes shorter term the race is on. I am glad you have risen to the challenge.
I actually just did a huge clothing cleanout over the past 2 weeks. I got rid of 5 13 gallon trash bags full of clothes and another 33 gallon trash bag full. I’ll put them in my garage sale in 2 weeks and then donate what doesn’t sell. It made me feel good to get rid of some un-used and un-needed stuff. Now I do need to tackle the décor part of my room too…
Well done Kayla. I am pretty sure from what I have learned about you over the years that clothing is a bit part of your life. So being able to get rid of 5 13 gallon bags full of clothes is pretty big for you. I say again, well done and I hope the garage sale is a big success.
Since my bedroom is clutter free I decided to make a go at a few other things. So far I have gathered some more craft items and puzzles to give away. Wonder what else I can find?
Hi Deb, I think my craft supplies are dwindling as I am finding that they are getting easier to organise in the limited space that I have. I am hoping that is a good sign.
I have cut mine back to there is little left. I have some cardstock that is cut so I can make cards and a some adhesives. Other than that I am pretty well free of craft items. I will buy what I need when i need it.