Mini Mission Monday is about finding ten minutes a day to declutter. To make it easy for you, each Monday I set seven declutter missions, one for each day of the week for you to follow. It takes the guess work out of decluttering and makes it easy and “fun” for you to achieve some quick decluttering.
This week our mini missions are all about the items we keep, not because we want to, but because we feel we should. As I have written about many a time, obligation is not a good reason to keep something. In fact it is bad enough that we have things cluttering up our homes, but feeling we can’t let them go adds yet another element of irritation. So let’s see if we can get some of that obligation clutter out of our homes this week.
Monday – Declutter something that you feel should be kept for sentimental reasons even though it doesn’t spark joy in you to see it.
Tuesday – Declutter something someone else gave you but you no longer want.
Wednesday – See if you can think of an item to declutter that you rarely if ever use, that you keep only because it is a society norm to have one in your home. I don’t have a coffee table, a barbecue, a handbag to match every outfit, eyeshadow or plastic wrap.
Thursday – Declutter a family heirloom that you don’t want to keep. See if there is another family member, no matter how far removed, that would appreciate this item more than you.
Friday – Declutter some paperwork that you keep because you think you should, when in fact a digital copy would suffice. Scan the items and save them to your hard drive or a cloud. Papers such as manuals, old school papers, bills more then two payments old…
Saturday – Declutter things your children made for you. You don’t have to keep everything just your favourites will do. It doesn’t pay to teach kids to be over sentimental about such items.
Sunday - Sunday is reserved for contemplating one particular item, of your choice that is proving difficult for you to declutter. Whether that be for sentimental reasons, practical reasons, because the task is laborious or simply unpleasant, or because the items removal requires the cooperation of another person. That last category may mean that the item belongs to someone else who has to give their approval, it could also mean there is a joint decision to be made or it could mean that the task of removing it requires assistance from someone else. There is no need to act on this contemplation immediately, it is more about formulating a plan to act upon or simply making a decision one way or another.
Good luck and happy decluttering
Eco Tip for the Day
If you are like me and love to craft, consider the possibility of searching for materials from thrift stores to make your projects. You might be surprised what you can pick up secondhand in such places.
It matters not how fast I go, I hurry faster when I’m slow
Puddlekin says
Re Wednesday..Most people keep a supply of gift bags, as I do. I am fed up with the space they take up and am thinking of decluttering the lot and just managing with wrapping paper. I would like to minimise the space my gift wrapping supplies take up.
Puddlekin says
Hi Colleen, just wondering why my comment has not been approved?
Colleen Madsen says
Hi Puddlekin and welcome to 365 Less Things. I came to the same conclusion as you about gift wrapping supplies a long time ago. I now try to reuse bags that are given to me with gifts. I will only keep one or two and hope to send them out the door quickly or I donate them to the thrift shop. I also use my paper crafting supplies for wrapping where possible because it saves doubling up.
Moni says
Puddlekin – Colleen gave me an excellent suggestion recently. Instead of stocking gift bags…..while out buying a gift, buy a gift bag at the same time! I did it recently and it was the easiest gift-buying trip ever.
Puddlekin says
That is a brilliant solution.
Moni says
Good mini missions but I need to stay on the photos (optimistically) another week. I am making good progress but its been a mammoth undertaking, it’s one of those situations where I can’t start and stop work to suit but rather I have to see thru the timeframe I am working on as I want a digital set done along side.
Adrian likes the idea of an album being put on an iPad or tablet. I want an idea of how big the final file will be before I go any further with that idea.
Kimberley says
Give yourself the gift of time when sorting your photo’s.
My photo’s were in a combination of photo albums and photo boxes all neatly organized.
When I left full-time employment and my Princess went off to university, I finally felt that I had the time to go through one picture at a time. A very dear friend of mine was into “creative memories” at the time and told me that you really only needed five pictures of an event to bring back the memories. It took me three months to complete the task, one box at a time.
Obvious discards were blurry and duplicate photo’s as well as my favorite category, people and relatives who were no longer a part of my life.
Once the task was done, I reduced the photo’s down to 1/3 of what I started with. Win-Win-Win!
Moni says
Kimberley – I have been putting off doing this for years and a big storage bin with photos, negatives, studio portraits, unopened prints envelopes, stacks of re-prints, loose photos, copies obviously given to us by other people etc. On the plus side by setting a strong pace I am able to identify most of what I look at by sight ie which were culled and which were kept.
I think once I get up to 2009’s photos it will get easier as it was all digital cameras from then on, but I am pulling together all the flash drives, memories cards, external hard drives etc from around the house and loading everything onto one file and then plan to wipe all jpegs from the other storage devices so that it is a clean slate from there on in. No more duplicates apart from my Dropbox.
Moni says
Kimberley – my big rush is that I can send the culled photos with the document destruction bin if I get it done before 7th April. I’d much rather send them away rather than shredding them myself.
Kimberley says
Sometimes when we have a deadline, the sorting goes so much faster. No time to stop and over think the process. I’m cheering you on 🙂
Deb J says
Doesn’t it feel good to have that done?
Kimberley says
Deb J,
Not sure who your question was intended for, but for me, it was awesome to complete that task. I am very careful of the number of pictures I take and still adhere to my friends “magic 5” number.
Deb J says
Kimberley, it was for you but I somehow messed up.
Colleen Madsen says
Fare enough Moni. I still haven’t bothered with my photos.
Moni says
Colleen – I have found it interesting in an observing my own self sort of way, because it is like watching my entire decluttering journey all over again but at high speed. Not so much ‘stuff’ being in the background but because of the quick yes/no/maybe decision making process, the initial conservative decisions, the gaining confidence/momentum through to the point where you find yourself thinking of the next round of culling on the same photos even though there was never a ‘next round’ under consideration.
Michelle says
Oh great – this will be the most difficult of mini-missions for me. I am not great getting rid of the sentimental junk. ARGH! Something to work on. 😉
Kimberley says
Take a picture and let the item(s) go if you are on the fence. Keep only what you love right now in the present.
Moni says
Michelle – this isn’t the afghan is it?
Melanie says
Ooh, I’m intrigued. I really enjoyed the silver cream and sugar saga. 🙂
Colleen Madsen says
If you or your husband love it that’s ok Michelle. It is only the stuff you keep out of obligation that is clutter.
Deb J says
Good missions Colleen. Can I just say I am tired of the obligation stuff Mom hangs onto? There, I have said it. Now I can go on. Deep breath and let it go. Smile.
Moni says
Deb J – anything further on getting your mum an apartment at the retirement village?
Deb J says
Moni, with an average wiating time of 16 months it will be August or so. Then she has to pass their financial report.
Colleen Madsen says
Old fashioned people often have old fashioned ideas. That is the only good thing about the easy come easy go generation, they aren’t so clingy. Now if they also weren’t so wasteful.
Wendyf says
Obligation is such a horrible word!
Joy is a lovely,inspiring, mood lifting word.
Maybe Deb J, if you ask your Mum do those items bring her joy and happiness and she says yes you can relax. If she says no, you may have sown the seed that sees her remove these items.
Clutter is becoming more the extra unused items in my house rather than piles of unused ‘obligation , aspirational, just in case , maybe one day ‘clutter.
It’s easier to identify,like the wheat in my pantry for making flour. I have been trying alternative flours without much success. So the birds can enjoy some wheat in their diet .
Amelia says
I agree Wendyf, even seeing the word ‘obligation’ makes me shudder.
Deb J says
WendyF, Mom has a high obligation meter. While it gets to me occasionally, I vent as I did in my comment and then let it go. When she moves she can take it with her and I will deal with it when she passes on if I have to.
Kimberley says
Oh, Deb J,
Since our Mom’s are about the same age, we will both have the “pleasure” of dealing with their stuff. This is what I am going to suggest to my sister. We go through and take whatever we may wish to keep. Once that is accomplished, we will bring in an “estate sale” company to deal with the rest including donating what is left. We will have enough on our plates dealing with selling her home and her rental properties. Thank goodness she sold two vacation homes awhile back so no more personal stuff in those locations to deal with.
Deb J says
Kimberley, thankfully we have been able to declutter a lot of thing and I am hoping that we will gradually get rid of more. I know that there will be some to get rid of when Mom is gone but I think I will be able to do it fairly easily. I have a friend who has a sale “site” on eBay and she will gladly sell the things that are keepsakes. The rest I will give to the thrif store of a women’s shelter.
Colleen Madsen says
Hi Wendy, I’m with you, joy is a much nicer thing to surround yourself with.
Amelia says
Thursday’s is great! (And for me it ties in with Tuesday’s as well). My parents have been offloading their stuff onto us kids for well over a decade now. I say offloading rather than gifting because the stuff comes with the strong message that we need to keep it forever, to the point that years after receipt, there will be questions like ‘Do you still have that cheese knife I gave you? I’m sure it’s valuable’ etc. Even things that are worn out or broken are expected to be kept and cherished.
Well, last week I sent a box of these type of items back down to my parents. I talked it through with them, that I knew these items were important to them but I didn’t want them and knew they didn’t want me to get rid of them, so I was sending them back so that they could decide what to do with them. Well. They weren’t happy about that, but not a lot they could do about it. Time for them to actually make decisions about their clutter, not just give it to us kids to store on their behalf.
Wendy B says
GOOD FOR YOU, Amelia! Well done!
Deb J says
Smart girl, Amelia. Way to go.
Kimberley says
Amelia, you are a girl after my own heart. Bravo, Round of Applause. If people gift you things with strings attached, they are no longer gifts, they become something they “loaned to you”. When something is truly gifted, you can do whatever you want with said gift including throwing it out if you wish. Everything that I have ever given to our daughter is given with no strings attached. She appreciates my parenting style and the freedom it affords her.
Amelia says
Thanks ladies 🙂
I can’t stand getting gifts with strings attached. My approach is almost the opposite. At first, family members would give me funny looks when I would give them a gift and say ‘I thought you would really like this, but if you don’t, feel free to give it to someone who you think would enjoy it’. Now, most of them are quite happy about it, as they are free to enjoy the gift or free to give it away, and know that they don’t have to feel guilty if they don’t want it.
It took me nearly 10 years to get to the point where I felt strong enough to give these obligation ‘gifts’ back to mum and dad. And now I am working on a second box of stuff for them already. Hehe.
Melanie says
Way to go, Amelia! Parents come with enough strings as it is, without all their stuff. Good for you!
NÃriel says
Wow, I can’t believe that… just glad my mum isn’t like that!
Colleen Madsen says
Congratulations Amelia, you just passed the highest test for the diploma of decluttering diva. Well done you. I’m sure your parents will get over it and, as you said, deal with their own clutter rather than farming it out to you. I am sure they thought you would treasure it but they should ask first and allow you all to say yes please or no thank you very much. I am glad my mother approached this in a better way. I don’t know if anyone felt obligated to take her up on her offer but I went for the “No thank you very much.” She has some lovely stuff but I just don’t care enough for it to take it.
Amelia says
*happy dance* 🙂
Michelle says
LOL – thanks Ladies! Yes, Moni, I still have that dang afghan! We saw my in-laws this weekend and I was tempted to bring it up, but my MIL was in a bad mood, so I let the issue drop. I am, however, seriously considering donating the second afghan I ended up with that belonged to MIL’s sister. I feel like some crazy blanket hoarder! Just because something once belonged to someone in the family at one time is no reason to hang on to it.
I really wanted to spend some quality time decluttering this weekend, but it was so gorgeous outside. I spent 2.5 hours weeding and the backs of my legs are now screaming in agony. hee hee I’m thinking I could spend a wee bit of time before work and get some things decluttered.
Michelle says
Whoops, I ended up posting at the wrong spot. Sorry.
But Amelia, I am totally impressed and could stand to take a lesson from you. 🙂
Wendy B says
Here’s an example of how this stuff can make you nuts. When Ian’s mother died and we cleared out the house, most of the ‘good’ stuff went to a snooty auction house. The auctioneer said he’d take her good dishes but because they weren’t fashionable at the moment, the most he’d expect to sell them for was $50. Well, you can’t let an heirloom sell for the price of Corelle so we loaded it up and hauled it the 1000 km home — and then we went to the city and paid $850 for an antique china cabinet to display it in! Wait, it gets worse… We designed our current home to hold less furniture than our last one so I am the only person I know who has an antique china cabinet full of antique china — in my laundry room.
Our new house has been designed with even less room for furniture so before we leave here, the cabinet and china – either his mother’s set or an even older, larger and less needed set given to me by my uncle (or both!!!!) will have to find new homes.
Deb J says
Wendy B, at one point Mom had 2 sets of china (12 place settings) an uncle had given her and I had a set. Then I had a set of Mikasa Fieldstone (12 place setting) given to me at my bridal shower (I later broke it off before the wedding and the lady didn’t want it back). I didn’t want any of them and neither did Mom. We sold them all and now have a a small set of Corelle. Ah, the relief.
Willow says
I gave away my wedding china last year. It had been in an unopened, still packed box from our last move 7 years before. Guess what. I hardly ever even think about it.
Deb J says
Isn’t it interesting how so many things we either wanted or people gave us can sit in a box or cupboard for ages without being used? I’m glad you were able to get rid of it.
Melanie says
Wendy B,
I have been laughing at your post all day. Truly funny. Good luck finding new homes for the china. I don’t have fine china (just regular crockery…..that’s a word I learned on here LOL), but I got rid of half my dishes and glasses in one of the previous missions. I went from a set of 8 down to 4, and it looks so much nicer in the cabinet. I also got rid of all 8 wine glasses, as the one and only time I got them out for a party….one got shattered. Turns out, hardwood floors and wine parties don’t go together very well.
Storage container update: I kept 5 large ones for moving, and the rest are gone! It was the small ones that were hard to let go of, but I did it. We took an enormous load to the Salvation Army yesterday…..our THIRD haul since I started 365-ing on December 1. I’m running out of things to get rid of, which feels good. I might start selling some furniture.
Moni says
Melanie – every time I hear China mentioned I’m like, wow, the Americans have table settings like Downton Abbey!
Melanie says
A lot of Americans do! I guess it’s tradition, but sadly most of the nice dishes don’t get used.
Donna B says
My mother died in September and had some beautiful china that was intended for me. My sister (who already had taken the other set for her) is holding on to it for the moment because I don’t have a place for it. When we move somewhere that I can house it, I plan to use it often. My parents used to entertain a lot, but in the 20 years or so before they died, it hardly ever was brought out. My 13-year-old son uses my nice glasses for everyday purposes. Sometimes he’ll drink water, juice or soda out of a wine glass (some of which are hand-blown or cut crystal), and I decided he is right. I rarely drink wine, but I now drink water or juice out of them, too, because they are pretty. If they break, they break.
Melanie says
Donna B,
I love that you are using your nice glasses and dishes! What are we saving them for???
Melanie says
Donna B,
PS–Very sorry about your Mom.
Colleen Madsen says
Hi Donna B, sorry about the loss of your mother, that must be very sad for you and your family. I am glad you are going to use those dishes as they were meant to be used. And also that you use your good glasses as well. Every day is a good enough day to use the good things.
Mich says
That’s a really good thing Donna. I use my crystal wine glasses everyday.
They are there to be used not sit in a china cabinet until you fall off your perch and someone else has to deal with them. If they haven’t broken when that time comes then your son will probably happily take them to use in his own home because they can be used and not just on display.
Melanie says
LOL, “Fall off your perch.” Oh, Mich, I can’t tell you how much that made me laugh. I’m adding that to my favorite phrase list.
Colleen Madsen says
Hi Wendy B, I have a sneaking suspicion that you designed that new home around letting go of things you haven’t wanted for a long time. Well done you. 😉
Wendy B says
You got it, Colleen. We actually designed the livingroom with the windows jammed together so there was a corner big enough for the antique corner cabinet. Then we thought “how stupid is that – we’re designing this room for the view of the lake”, and moved the windows. The corner cabinet (which also served its time in the laundry room) will leave here as well. We did plan a half-wall (rather than spindles) for the stairwell so the remaining buffet will have a place to sit.
Moni says
Wendy B – LOL that story really made my day! It sounds like the sort of thing I would do.
Moni says
I had a ‘dinosaur’ moment today. I took in a CD to have a few photos printed off it and it seemed to take forever to load. The young guy behind the counter very helpfully told me that ‘the old technology does seem to take a lot longer’. It wasnt long ago that getting negatives digitised to CD was high technology. But he assured me it was quicker to blue-tooth them off my phone for future reference. Okaaaaaayyyyyy.
Melanie says
That’s so funny. I wonder if he’s ever seen a film negative or slide!?!
Colleen Madsen says
Ha ha Moni, get with the times girl. 😉
Moni says
Colleen – LOL yes! The other day I was looking at the box of negatives alongside the much smaller box of CD’s that they had been digitised onto, and was wondering when I could ditch the negatives. But it occurs to me that I could put all those CDs onto a flash drive.
Wendy B says
In the early ’90s my husband and I built a B&B Inn. I designed it, decorated it and hand-painted all the signs. I later left and took only a small album of photos. Today I got it out and tossed all but 4 of the pictures. I guess I’ve had other accomplishments in the last 20 years so I don’t need the reminders anymore.
Colleen Madsen says
H Wendy B, I can relate to this. My computer has been getting a little slow of late so I began by deleting lots of photos. And like you I found plenty that I didn’t care to keep. I must also say they I don’t take so many anymore either because I don’t need reminders of happy times, the memories are all in my head and the happy times keep on coming.
Michelle says
“The happy times keep on coming.” Love that, Colleen! And I’m going to try to keep that in mind.
NÃriel says
Wow, if I’d waited a few days the bear would have been relevant…! He is gone to my favourite local charity, the hospice that did so much wonderful work for my (dearly missed) father. Now for the next sentimental item…
Colleen Madsen says
NÃriel, I am glad to hear that the bear went to a good cause and one close to your heart. Closer than the bear ever was.
NÃriel says
Thanks, I suspect I won’t miss it! Only risk is if mum sees the bear and recognises it. I’ve been practicing my puzzled “Huh… that does look like mine, doesn’t it?” expression. 😀
Mich says
That’s funny.
Mich says
Well done on getting rid of that bear Niriel.
NÃriel says
Kimberley says
Congratulations! I am so glad to hear that your bear has left to provide another child some comfort!
Melanie says
This is such a good set of missions. I don’t have a lot of sentimental or obligation items. We move a lot, so I decided a long time ago not to drag those things through life. For example, my mother in-law gave us a beautiful crystal vase for a wedding gift to start my “collection.” Well, I’m not a collector of anything, much less crystal, so I gave it to a friend who had a big crystal collection. I figured it could then be used and admired and enjoyed.
This is a lot easier when you live far away from family.
Colleen Madsen says
Hi Melanie, you are so right, it is a lot easer to do when you live far from family. They are usually so pleased to see you after time apart that they are far more forgiving.
Moni says
Michelle – there are now two obligation afghans? I think I have mentioned this before but in NZ an Afghan is a very yummy biscuit, whoops cookie, have a look on google. Yum yum, I might do some baking this weekend. Anyway back to your afghan situation, how did you end up with MIL’s sister’s afghan? I think your MIL is the master of obligation bequeaths!
Melanie says
An Afghan is also a type of hound dog, one of the oldest breeds in existence. I didn’t know about the cookie/biscuit! Add it to our dictionary!
So, Michelle, are you getting rid of dogs, cookies, or blankets? LOL. I’ll be happy to take the afghans if they are cookies. 🙂
Melanie says
Moni, those cookies (biscuits) look delicious! I see you use cornflakes. Have you ever had Rice Krispy treats? What about an American biscuit, which is not a cookie?
Moni says
Melanie – what you call a biscuit, we call a scone. Yes we called those Rice Crispies, but I seem to recall a chocolate version too. Yes Afghans, the biscuit (not an American biscuit) not the blanket, are made with cornflakes. Chocolate icing and a piece of walnut is the perfect topping.
Melanie says
Oh, scones, of course! I wonder if they are the exact same thing as biscuits. My Mammaw (grandmother) makes a buttermilk biscuit that will make you slap somebody (a Southern USA term that means it’s REALLY good). LOL. I’m not much of a baker, but I want to try your Afghan biscuit cookies. They sound yummy!
Moni says
Melanie – alternatively an Afghanistan native.
Michelle says
After reading the cookie/biscuit posts, you make me want to go on a Snack Attack! I think I need to develop a stronger backbone, like Amelia and Melanie. My MIL was looking at me so sad, “Well, her children don’t want her things and no one else does either!” So I ended up hauling the dang thing home. And now I have two. Grrrr. It’s my own fault. 😉 I am fixin’ to put this in the correct perspective, though. If anyone had wanted the afghan, they would have taken it. I’m not going to use it, so I should donate it to someone who will care for it and use it. Now, I just need to run it past hubby, who will roadblock me.
Photos: I counted this morning and I have 28 photo albums, spanning 1999 to the present. Good grief! And a couple of small boxes with loose photos. That is just nuts. The albums are the ones where you can write on the side and then have the photo in the sleeve next to it, so if I ever decide to reduce, it’s gonna be an ordeal. I have pretty much stopped taking pictures because I got tired of having them developed and then compiling albums.
Moni says
Michelle – so she didn’t want it, her children didn’t want it, your MIL didn’t want it and so you ended up with it? There is a theme coming thru here, The Michelle Centre For Refugee Afghans (The Blanket Kind Not The Biscuit/Cookie Kind Or The Dog Breed Either).
Wow 28 photo albums. 1999 we were in the throes of must take cute photos of our kids and because we wouldn’t know if it was a good shot or not until it was developed took 3-5 just in case, and we didn’t manage to fill 28 photo albums, mind you we stopped printing after digital cameras arrived on the scene. It felt uncomfortable hiffing the first few photos but I became more brutal as I progressed. I just did our wedding photos yesterday. I only managed to cull a third but there were a lot of repetitive shots and getting ready photos that I was happy to get rid of.
Melanie says
Moni, the Michelle Centre For Refugee Afghans made me spit my wine out! LOL. It’s true, though! It sounds like Michelle’s house is where blankets go to seek refuge.
Michelle, you mentioned me as having a stronger backbone about these things. Not true, dear 365 friend. I’m not stronger, I just have it easier! I live really far away from family. We visit them; they don’t visit us. And because we live far away, they don’t give us many things to begin with. And I am very lucky that my family isn’t into guilt-tripping (sounds like you are dealing with a lot of that).
You are the one to be commended for the strong backbone, when people give you a hard time over their obligation stuff.
Mich says
You are all doing so well at getting rid of so much stuff.
I’m quite attached to my cookbooks and find it very relaxing to browse through them and I do cook from them. I have given away 9 of them in the last week. I’m on a lot of food forums and posted that I wanted to give them away and everyone of them was taken. I know I won’t miss them as I still have plenty left. 55 cookbooks (at least it doesn’t take me long to count them anymore) and 10 food magazines. I wrapped each one in the tea towels I decluttered last week to post them.
I also let go of many craft items, I just wanted them gone and put them on gumtree for free. I’m not sentimental about them but feel I should keep them because I paid money for them. They were picked up within 2 hours of listing. I feel so much lighter.
Moni says
I’m glad Niriel is present because last week it seemed very obvious that the bear should go, but I have a similar dilemna, as you all know I am sorting thru photos. I am getting close to where paper photos run out and digital cameras kicked in. I always wondered at girls who cut photos in half after break ups or cut other people’s faces out of pictures. But during a quick look thru of the digital photos on my hard drive last night, I started to see a particular person appearing. She was very close to our family, but unfortunately something happened and she caused a trauma that left one of my daughter’s unwell for two years. I can’t say too much but I will say no drugs or alcohol was involved. The friendship was cut off at the time of the trauma, but I had to remain polite as we were all in the same circle for another year afterwards. Do I delete photos she was in? Or do I accept that for a time she was like another daughter to me? There are formal photos like school photos that I can’t delete but the home photos, snaps and selfies the girls took together? I believe my daughter has destroyed most of her own photos of the ex-friend. Do I bring the topic up with her? Or do I just make a decision for myself?
Kimberley says
Personally, I would ask your daughter if she is interested in perusing said photos with ex-friend. If it doesn’t matter to her, then toss them. Every time you look at them, you will be reminded of the trauma this friendship brought to your family. When I sorted through our photo’s, those types of photo’s were tossed without even thinking about them or who else was in the picture. Let them go.
Michelle says
Oh Moni, I’m sorry. I agree with Kimberley. If you can, ask your daughter. Sometimes a person needs a clean slate. Yes, you cannot completely forget bad times, but photos only serve as a painful reminder. If the pictures are gone, the bad times can sometimes fade and are not so painful.
Colleen Madsen says
Hi Moni, this is an interesting question. If they are your photos and you wish to keep them then do so. Without knowing the circumstances of the event I can’t really comment more than that. We all make mistakes in life that we regret.
Nicole V says
Hi, Colleen. This is such a timely and timeless set of missions. Obligation and resentment often go hand in hand. I don’t see why the items in our homes should be based on someone else’s priorities. If they do not want it in their home, why should we keep it in ours?
Colleen Madsen says
Naturally, Nicole, I agree with you 100%
Mich says
I revisited Monday’s mini mission today. I haven’t used my bread maker in years as I have a Thermomix that does a much better job at kneading. Silly to be sentimental over a kitchen appliance, the thing is that I’ve decluttered in every other area of my life so it frees up time to do what I love. My husband bought me the bread maker as he knows how much I love kitchen appliances and cooking (he loves eating too). It is just gathering dust. I listed it on gumtree and someone is coming to pick it up very shortly.
Amelia says
I just had a breakthrough on the Wednesday task – a society norm item.
I have a Pandora bracelet that I was given years ago when it was the ‘thing’ that every female had to have one. It has an assortment of charms to ‘prove’ certain milestones in my life and show them off I suppose. Some charms bought by me, some by exes. But the thing is, I’ve only worn it a handful of times in all the years I’ve had it. I don’t even really like it, just kept it because I guess it was a thing I had to have. Pointless really if I never wear it.
So today, the Pandora bracelet and the majority of the charms are getting the boot. I think for now I will keep a few charms that I actually like, to put on a necklace. Although they may be future decluttering targets too 😉
Susan says
Hi Colleen,
I’m quite new to your blog and enjoy reading your posts, especially the Monday Mini Missions. Could I please ask a favour? For those of us without children, could you please provide an alternative mini mission if it specifically relates to kids?
Thanks 🙂
Colleen Madsen says
Hi Susan and welcome to 365 Less Things. I would love to accommodate you on this but I include many mini missions that don’t relate to one reader or another. Some relating to certain rooms in houses that people don’t have, some to do with gardens when some readers live in apartments like I do, books come up quite often and some readers have gone totally digital. The list goes on. I would end up having to do alternative missions for just about every mission I write and I really just don’t have time for that. So I am sorry but all I can suggest is that you just ignore the missions that don’t relate to your circumstances and substitute one of your own.
Susan says
Thanks, Colleen. I’ll just have to put my thinking cap on a bit more often 😀